Washington West African Center hosts fourth annual Sukuri Ndogu

EVERETT, Wash., April 9, 2023—The Washington West African Center (WAWAC) held its fourth annual Sukuri Ndogu and Iftar Ramadan event at the Bilal Ibn Rabah Islamic Center on Saturday, April 8, distributing groceries and hundreds and meals to West Africans living in King and Snohomish counties. Sukuri Ndogu is a Wolof word that roughly translates […]
2023 crime rates in Washington are down overall, hate crimes and vehicle thefts up

LACEY—The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs released its annual crime report on Tuesday, July 9, which found that, overall, crime rate across the state is down overall yet hate crimes and vehicle thefts continue to climb. Washington State still hasn’t returned to pre-pandemic crime rate levels, however, and still ranks last in staffed […]
Northwest Orchid Society Indoor Plant Festival a huge success

LYNNWOOD, Wash., March 6, 2024—The Lynnwood Event Center held its first-ever Northwest Orchid Society Indoor Plant Festival March 2 through March 3, featuring an array of plant displays and an awesome lineup of vendors. At Seattle-based Northwest Orchid Society people from all over the region are united under a single hobby – a shared interest […]
West African community held third annual Sukuri Ndogu

LYNNWOOD, Wash., April 6, 2022 – The Washington West African Center (WAWAC) held its third annual “Sukuri Ndogu” at the Islamic Center of Puget Sound (ICOPS) on April 2, distributing hundreds of dollars of groceries to West African seniors across the Lynnwood area. Falling on the first day of this year’s Ramadan, Sukuri Ndogu is […]
West African community gathered for the Ramadan tradition, “Grandma’s Sukuri Ndogu”

LYNNWOOD. Wash. – On April 17, members of the West African community came together at Gambian Talents Promotion’s offices to hold an event called “Grandma’s Sukuri Ndogu,” a West African tradition connected to Ramadan. In the English language, “Grandma’s Sukuri Ndogu” means giving something sweet to grandmothers so that they have food with which to […]
Verdant awards $6 million in funding to 41 community partners

LYNNWOOD—At the November 20 public board meeting, Verdant Health Commissioners voted to approve $6 million in funding to 41 community partners dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of the residents of South Snohomish County. Awardees were selected from an open application process. Funded programs will support diverse projects throughout the community. Each of the […]
Verdant awards over $3.2 million in funding to 35 nonprofits

LYNNWOOD—At the February 28th board meeting, the Verdant Health Commission Board awarded $3,266,875 to 35 nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of the residents of South Snohomish County. Awardees were selected from an open application process and funded programs will support diverse projects throughout the community. Each of the funded projects addresses one […]
First inaugural Sounds of Africa festival a success at Everett CC

EVERETT, Wash., August 12, 2023—Lynnwood-based Washington West African Center (WAWAC) held its first-ever Sounds of Africa festival at Everett Community College’s Fitness Center, Friday August 4 through Saturday August 5, celebrating African culture through food, fashion, languages, and music. The festival’s objective was to create a harmonious gathering where people from various communities can come […]
Nubian Jam 2023: Celebrating the hopes and the dreams of the slave

EVERETT, Wash., July 31, 2023—At least a thousand people gathered throughout the day at Forest Park in Everett for the 31st annual Nubian Jam hosted by the Snohomish County Black Heritage Committee (SCBHC) on Saturday to celebrate African and African American culture. “This is a time of fellowship, a time for connecting and a time […]
Verdant awards $4.3 million in community health grants

LYNNWOOD, Wash., February 24, 2023—The Verdant Health Commission awards $4.3 million in new grants to 31 community organizations offering programs and services that address their strategic priorities: Mental Health, Healthcare Access and Food Security. “This funding will ensure that health related programming is available and accessible for the community. By working together with healthcare organizations […]