February 12, 2025 4:02 pm

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Snohomish County has one of the state’s lowest unemployment rates

Snohomish unemployment

SNOHOMISH COUNTY—Snohomish County has one of the lowest unemployment rates in Washington State according to the Washington State Employment Security Department’s monthly report, but Washington State in general still ranks higher than most states in the nation. Snohomish County is currently tied with neighboring King County with a rate of 4.1%. On the opposite end, […]

Will the vaccine mandate for state employees lead to a staffing shortage post-October 18?

staffing shortages

Gov. Inslee’s recent proclamation requires all employees of state agencies to be fully vaccinated by October 18 or face termination. As some emergency servicemen and women struggle to choose between termination or vaccination, will there be a staffing shortage come October? Every employee of a Washington state agency mandated to be vaccinated Two weeks ago, […]

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