July 16, 2024 10:31 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Meadowdale’s class of 2019!

Meadowdale 2019 Commencement Ceremony

By Luke Putvin On June 14, in front of a stadium filled with over a thousand attendees, 350 Meadowdale High School seniors were awarded their high school diplomas at Edmonds School District Stadium. Meadowdale High School Bands performed the “Star Spangled Banner,” and then Principal David Shockley gave opening remarks. There were three different ways […]

Status of the Boeing 737 MAX: Stakeholder Perspectives

United States Congressman Rick Larsen (WA-02)

House Aviation Subcommittee Chair Larsen opening statement at Aviation Subcommittee Hearing on June 19, 2019 Good morning and I want to thank today’s witnesses for joining the Subcommittee’s ongoing discussion on the “Status of the Boeing 737 MAX.” Today’s hearing is the second in a series investigating the tragic Boeing 737 MAX accidents. The purpose […]

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