Dear Edmonds School District students, families, staff & community, welcome to the 2019-20 school year! We are excited to continue working collaboratively to serve our wonderfully diverse student population and their unique needs. As a school system, we are deeply committed to ensuring each and every student is engaged, feels safe, finds joy and is achieving high levels of academic success. Every member of our team is here to help make that happen.
We spent last school year listening and learning about recommended priorities and strategic actions for our school system. This strategic planning effort, which we called Blueprint 2025, resulted in a draft set of goals and outcomes. We are excited about the direction this will provide our school system over the next five years. We look forward to getting final input and putting the finishing touches on this important work. We want to thank our students, families, staff and community for their thoughtful participation in this important work. Our goals center in the following five areas: Equity of Opportunity; Strong Community; High Expectations; Global Readiness; and Culture of Kindness.
We cannot do this world’s most important work in isolation. We are truly committed to authentic engagement of our families and our community in partnership. Our children will thrive when we come together to create the conditions for their success.
After 37 wonderful years in public education, 17 as a superintendent, it is time for me to retire, effective June 30, 2020. It has been an honor to serve. This is a wonderful community and a great school district full of bright, talented and passionate professionals. It has been a privilege to serve alongside amazing educators and support staff. I am proud of the work we have accomplished and the work we have underway. Our school board will soon be communicating next steps to find an exceptional superintendent to help move the Edmonds School District forward.
We look forward to a great school year and we thank you for your ongoing support!
Dr. Kristine McDuffy

Author: Mario Lotmore