March 1, 2025 11:09 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Community mourns victims of Lynnwood Townhouse Apartments Fire

Lynnwood Townhouse Apartments Fireby Mario Lotmore Hundreds attended the Memorial Service at First Lutheran Richmond Beach in Shoreline for Mardoqueo,7, and Victoria Jimenez-Lopez, 15, the victims of the Lynnwood Townhouse Apartments fire. Roxanne Vasquez, a relative of the family, remembered Mardoqueo as an “old soul” who loved to play with Legos.  She described Victoria as quiet […]

Lawsuit filed against former city council candidate Rosamaria Graziani

Photos of Lynnwood City Council Position 5 candidates Julieta Altamirano-Crosby (left) and Rosamaria Graziani (right). Graziani alleges Crosby does not meet the state requirements for elective office.

City Council Lawsuit- Rosamaria Grazianiby Luke Putvin Around October 18, fliers from former City Council Candidate Rosamaria Graziani with statements opposing Julieta Altamirano-Crosby were being left at houses along with other candidates’ literature. Graziani previously ran for Lynnwood City Council during the primary, but Altamirano-Crosby and David “Doc” Schirle were the two candidates to make […]

Movember is a month where men grow mustache

November marks the beginning, for those who participate, of “Movember.” Movember is a month where men grow mustaches and donate toward men’s health issues. This trend began in Australia in 2003 as a way to raise awareness for prostate and testicular cancers. According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2016, over 30,000 men died […]

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