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Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs – 2/15/2021 8:00 AM
Executive Session:
1. SB 5115 – Establishing health emergency labor standards.
2. SB 5425 – Concerning extended benefits in the unemployment insurance system.
3. SB 5436 – Concerning collective bargaining over the content of reports by ombuds and the selection of ombuds and their staff who oversee law enforcement personnel.
4. SB 5410 – Concerning enhanced raffle procedures.
5. SB 5065 – Safeguarding the public safety by protecting railroad workers.
6. SB 5137 – Suspending workers’ compensation cost-of-living adjustments for fiscal year 2022, changing the basis of certain future adjustments to the consumer price index, and capping the rate of increase for future adjustments.
Public Hearing: SB 5438 – Providing unemployment benefits to workers who are unemployed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and not eligible for unemployment benefits due to immigration status. (Remote testimony.)
Business, Financial Services & Trade – 2/15/2021 9:00 AM
Executive Session: SB 5010 – Prohibiting the use of credit scores to determine rates for personal lines of insurance
Law & Justice – 2/15/2021 9:30 AM
Public Hearing: HB 1042 – Revising the international application of the uniform child custody jurisdiction and enforcement act to protect families from facing the death penalty in certain foreign jurisdictions on the basis of religious beliefs, political beliefs, or sexual orientation. (Remote
Executive Session:
1. SB 5361 – Concerning the resentencing of persons convicted of drug offenses.
2 SB 5226 – Concerning the suspension of licenses for traffic infractions.
3. SB 5408 – Concerning the homestead exemption
Early Learning & K-12 Education – 2/15/2021 1:30 PM
Work Session: Addressing learning loss and inclusion for students and youth receiving special education services.
Public Hearing: SB 5442 – Concerning the funding of salaries of school district superintendents. (Remote testimony.)
Executive Session:
1. SB 5265 – Creating a bridge year pilot program.
2. SJR 8204 – Amending the Constitution to allow 55 percent of voters voting to authorize school district bonds.
Transportation – 2/15/2021 4:00 PM
Public Hearing:
3. SB 5040 – Enhancing litter control along state highways. (Remote testimony.)
4. SB 5406 – Providing compensation for tow truck operators for keeping the public roadways clear. (Remote testimony.)
5. SB 5439 – Facilitating the coordinated installation of broadband along state highways. (Remote testimony.)
Ways & Means – 2/15/2021 4:00 PM
Public Hearing:
1. SSB 5052 – Concerning the creation of health equity zones. (Remote testimony.)
2. SB 5068 – Improving maternal health outcomes by extending coverage during the postpartum period. (Remote testimony.)
3. SSB 5119 – Concerning individuals in custody. (Remote testimony.)
Executive Session:
1. SB 5326 – Concerning health and pension benefits for school bus drivers employed by private nongovernmental entities.
2. SSB 5051 – Concerning state oversight and accountability of peace officers and corrections officers.
3. SSB 5062 – Concerning the management, oversight, and use of data.
4. SB 5352 – Allowing new government employees the option of opting out of retirement system membership if the employee is age sixty or older when first hired, or when the employee’s employer opts into retirement plan participation.
5. SSB 5045 – Expanding opportunities for meat and poultry processing and inspection.
6. SB 5158 – Concerning the utility wildland fire prevention advisory committee.
7. SB 5063 – Concerning the expiration date of the invasive species council.
8. SB 5054 – Concerning impaired driving.
9. SSB 5315 – Concerning captive insurance.
10. SSB 5294 – Concerning the creation of statewide epidemic preparedness and response guidelines for long-term care facilities.
Transportation – 2/18/2021 1:30 PM
Public Hearing:
1. SB 5444 – Implementing a per mile charge on electric and hybrid vehicles. (Remote testimony.)
2. SB 5085 – Modifying certain alternative fuel vehicles fees. (Remote testimony.)
3. SB 5308 – Reducing certain transportation electrification fees on hybrid vehicles. (Remote testimony.)
Author: Mario Lotmore