In 1969 we were given an epic and amazing sense of perspective by the pilots onboard Apollo 11. This photo is called, Earthrise over the Moon. It was captured on 07/20/1969.

It seems like a good time to be mindful of perspective.
Take a moment or more, to gaze upon this beautiful image. Consider what comes to mind for you; where you are in your life, in your community, on this planet, in this universe.
Then rise and go about your business with this fresh awareness. There is ancient wisdom in the Beginner’s Mind.

Lisa Wellington is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher who writes about integrative practices that downshift stress, increase insight, and jumpstart joy.
She is best known for her work with law enforcement professionals as well as those challenged by housing instability and addiction. Trained in the Fine Arts at Washington State University, she specializes in group training that engages participants’ inherent creativity.
If she is not under a stack of books about psychology and spirituality, she can be found at a Puget Sound beach or nearby trail, always searching for the absurd, which is her superpower.

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff