EVERETT, Wash., November 5, 20201 – On Wednesday morning, the Snohomish County Council voted 5-0 to adopt a fleet electrification plan which was jointly proposed by Councilmembers Nate Nehring and Jared Mead. This carbon-reduction proposal includes a policy change and funding allocation dedicated to transitioning 96 county vehicles toward electrification in the coming years.

As a result of this action, Snohomish County’s Facilities and Fleet Division will replace 96 currently gas-powered county vehicles with electric vehicles upon reaching the end of their usable life. The goal of the policy is to reduce the County’s carbon footprint and dependence on fossil-fuels.
“It is important that Snohomish County leads by example in efforts to address the impacts of climate change,” said Councilmember Nehring. “By adopting this plan to electrify the county’s fleet of vehicles, we are taking a step in the right direction toward reducing our carbon footprint.”

“I am proud to co-champion this bipartisan policy to electrify Snohomish County’s vehicle fleet,” said Councilmember Mead. “This policy is a long overdue step in the right direction in addressing environmental sustainability in our county and is an investment in providing a healthier future for our children and the generations who follow. Policies like this are one of the reasons I love serving on local government.”
The funding for the initial cost of electric vehicles and charging stations is being allocated from the one-time proceeds of the County’s sale of property along Cathcart Way. This initial investment of $2.2 million will be supplemented in future years by a rate increase applied to the County’s internal service funds.
Snohomish County is among the first counties in Washington State to adopt a fleet electrification policy.
For more information about the proposal, visit this link.
Source: Joint Press Release – Snohomish County Councilmen Nate Nehring and Jared Mead

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff