MUKILTEO, Wash., February 9, 2022 – Mukilteo Fire Chief Chris Alexander has served the residents of Mukilteo for the last 7 years. He started with the City in March of 2015, with more than 30 years of experience. Before he came to Mukilteo, he had served as an emergency medical services director in Kansas City.

“Chief Alexander is well respected by his staff, associates, and City Council,” said Mukilteo Mayor Joe Marine. “He was instrumental in the City’s response to the COVID pandemic, helping to coordinate our efforts with Snohomish County’s and developing key health protection measures for City staff. The city appreciates his leadership and wish him success in his retirement.”
“We believe that Chris Alexander’s leadership has moved this department farther in the right direction than I could have ever imagined,” said Battalion Chief Kirk Galatas, and echoed by Battalion Chiefs Engines, Elmore, and Fire Marshal Albright. “We have never had a mentor that I respected more or learned as much from. He is leaving this department significantly better than he found it. It is extremely rare in the fire service for a Fire Chief to lead a department for so long and have almost the entire department sad that he is leaving, but such is the case here. We all wish Chief Alexander and his entire family the best of luck in their next chapter and are sincerely grateful for the past seven years!”
Chris Alexander will be with the City until March 4th. He plans to return to Kansas City with his family. On behalf of the City of Mukilteo, Chief Alexander’s work will be forever appreciated, and he will be greatly missed.
Source: Mukilteo Press Release

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff