March 10, 2025 10:01 pm

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Invitation to apply for 2022 Conservation Futures Program grant

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., May 2, 2022—The Snohomish County Conservation Futures Program Advisory Board (CFPAB) is pleased to announce that applications are being accepted from Monday, May 2, 2022, to Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. for potential funding assistance from the Snohomish County Conservation Futures Program. The CFPAB anticipates application review at the June 2022 board meeting and recommendation to the Snohomish County Council in July 2022. Successful program funding will be available on a reimbursement basis to eligible organizations or jurisdictions per Snohomish County Code Section 4.14.

Letter of Intent

Do you have a project that is not quite ready for application by this timeline? Please tell us what you are planning in the next year. Please fill out the attached Letter of Intent for board consideration and send it to Dave McConnell by mail, attention David McConnell, or electronically to

Program Requirements

Please note the following requirements for the SCCFP grant process:

  1. A Preliminary Title Report is required with all applications, for each property proposed to be acquired. 
  2. Applicants may be determined ineligible for application for SCCFP funding if they are determined to be out of compliance with prior SCCFP projects (see Allocation Policies).
  3. Funding for awarded projects will be provided on a reimbursable basis only, following project completion, and will be limited to the amount allocated by County Council, or that percentage of the total project cost, as indicated in the original grant application for Conservation Futures funding, whichever is less.  Documentation of match and total project costs will be required.  Exceptions to the requirement that funding is only provided as a reimbursement may be allowed on a case-by-case basis.  If this is an anticipated need, applicants should check with staff prior to applying.
  4. A Boundary Line Survey will be required for all successful acquisitions and must be submitted as part of project close out.

Allocation Policies

  • Snohomish County will allocate Conservation Futures Program funds on a competitive basis through an application and evaluative project selection process.
  • Matching funds are encouraged but not required.
  • Funding to successful awardees is provided only on a reimbursable basis once the project is complete.  Exceptions to this policy may be considered on a case-by-case basis and applicants should check with staff prior to applying.
  • Projects may be funded at a level below the amount requested by the project sponsor, as recommended by the Snohomish County Conservation Futures Program Advisory Board (the “CFPAB”) and forwarded through the County Executive to the Snohomish County Council for review and final consideration for funding approval.
  • Prior fund recipients that have been determined to be out of compliance with prior project Interlocal or Acquisition Agreements and/or property Conservation Easements, shall not be eligible to apply for additional funding until the compliance issue is corrected to the satisfaction of Snohomish County.

Application Submission and Due Date

Grant applications and accompanying attachments must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 15, 2022. Submissions received after the 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 15, 2022, due date will not be accepted.  Final grant applications shall be submitted by mail, attention David McConnell, or electronically to If submitting by mail, the submittal must arrive by the submission deadline. Mailed submittals shall consist of eight double sided color copies of the application, and all attachments, along with one digital copy (.pdf). No hand-delivered submissions will be accepted.  Detailed instructions for completing the application and an editable (.docx) version of this document are available on the Conservation Futures program webpage.

**PLEASE NOTE** Due to COVID19, the board meeting and grant presentations may be held via Zoom or may be held in person. Applicants will be notified prior to the scheduled meeting of the meeting method. 

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