Snohomish County, Wash., June, 21, 2022 – Snohomish County Executive Dave Somers announced that the annual tourism small grant cycle – known as the Hotel-Motel Small Grant Fund – is now open. Approximately $490,000 in tourism grant dollars are available for public and non-profit organizations to use for tourism marketing, promotions, and capital projects. Historically, the average project allocation is $10,000, but ranges from $5,000 – $50,000.
“Tourism is fundamental to the ongoing success and health of our local economy. It brings tens of thousands of visitors to our region and supports small businesses, jobs, and recreation. These annual grants are an important tool to help local agencies and organizations boost sustainable tourism in their communities,” said Executive Somers.
“These tourism grants are a great opportunity to help local organizations reach potential visitors and remind them of all the unique and wonderful experiences to be found in every corner of Snohomish County,” said Councilmember Stephanie Wright.
This grant is funded with the County Lodging Taxes imposed on hotel and motel room rentals in Snohomish County. Funding is awarded through a competitive process and provided on a reimbursement-only basis. Applicants must demonstrate the ability to complete projects by December 15, 2023. Grant disbursements begin on or about January 15, 2023.
The Snohomish County Tourism team will be hosting a grant workshop for applicants via Zoom on Friday, July 22, 2022 – all details will be on the Seattle NorthCountry website. Applicants can download the 2023 Application Package here.
The grant process is now digital. Completed application packages must be submitted electronically through the Seattle NorthCountry website no later than September 2, 2022. Incomplete applications and hard copies of completed applications will not be accepted.
For more information on the program, please contact Trudy Soriano, Tourism Promotion Area Fund Coordinator, at 425-471-8738

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff