OLYMPIA — June 14, 2023 —Every year, the federally funded Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) provides nutritious meals to children living in identified areas or a site of high need. The program is available now through the end of August. Good nutrition is essential for effective learning every day, all year long. Just as learning does not end when school lets out, neither does the need for good nutrition.
Summer meal programs help children aged 18 and under get the nutrition they need to learn, play, and grow during the summer. This program is sponsored by many organizations throughout Washington, including schools, nonprofit organizations, local governments, and tribes.
In the summer of 2022, approximately 850,000 meals were provided to children at 805 sites across Washington. Programs operate in areas where 50% or more of the children are in households that are at or below 185% of the federal poverty level. In a household of four people, an annual income of $55,500 represents 185% of the federal poverty level.
Resources in English to find a Summer Meals site near you:
- Call 1–866–3-HUNGRY (1–866–348–6479)
- Text “Food” to 304–304
- Find summer meals sites online
Resources in Spanish to find a Summer Meals site near you:
- Call 1–877–8-HAMBRE (1–877–842–6273)
- Text “Comida” to 304–304
- Find summer meals sites online
For more information, please contact the Child Nutrition Services department within the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction at 360–725–6200 or email summermeals@k12.wa.us.

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff