First, I would like to say, having known Sheriff Adam Fortney for some time now, I really appreciate his passion, safety and all-around concern for our community and Snohomish County.
I am writing in the hopes that you may hear from business owners and residents of Snohomish County and not judge people on a one-sided forum.
Sheriff Fortney is a man of the highest integrity. From what I have seen he will refuse to compromise on matters of principle, which is very appreciated!
I would like to speak a little bit about his character, Sheriff Adam Fortney shows compassion, is honest and fair. He makes good judgements, shows respect to others, and shows courage in standing up for his beliefs. He has a good sense of responsibility. Sheriff Fortney is more than capable, competent, qualified and suitable for the Sheriff of Snohomish County for another four years and beyond. I have never come across another Sheriff who will go out into the community to see what issues are out there and get them corrected. His involvement within the community is beyond commendable.
In terms of ethics, Sheriff Fortney is willing to make difficult choices and stand behind them and think about big questions good and bad, right and wrong.
Sheriff Fortney’s management team also plays a very important role within the community. I ran into Bureau Chief Scott Robertson at the coffee shop awhile back, we started talking about what’s going on in Snohomish County changes that have taken place in the last 3.5 years for the good, and what other changes are taking place. I asked Bureau Chief Scott Robertson if he and Sheriff Adam Fortney would be willing to come and talk to our employees at our business here in Arlington, WA, and without hesitation he said absolutely. Our employees and I really appreciated it as we all had questions and Sheriff Fortney answered the questions with honesty.
I told Sheriff Fortney we had our business in King County for several years and had nothing but heartache and hardship and lies. Without going into everything and all the problems in King County we moved our business to Snohomish County. We are very pleased to say we will never move our business out of Snohomish County.
It is so nice to see Sheriff Fortney’s involvement within the community along with his management team.
I am very honored, and I know many other companies and individuals here in Snohomish County are pleased to have Sheriff Fortney and his management team here Snohomish County!
Sheriff Fortney has our vote! Sincerely,
Maria Case, Case Marine & Industrial
DISCLAIMER: The views and comments expressed are those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Lynnwood Times nor any of its affiliates.

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff