Voters approve $866 million in school bonds and levies in Special Election

SNOHOMISH COUNTY—Snohomish County voters overwhelmingly supported ballot measures to provide funding for school districts across the Snohomish County in the February 13 Special Election. Both the Marysville Transportation Benefit District and the levy for Fire District 22 passed handsomely with 71% and 60% respectively. Voter turnout as of the count on Wednesday, February 14, 2024, […]
Daniel Tappana is new Business Retention and Expansion Coordinator for EASC

EVERETT—Economic Alliance Snohomish County (EASC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Daniel Tappana as its new Business Retention and Expansion (BRE) Coordinator. Tappana brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record of success in economic development and business growth strategies to the EASC team. His appointment is effective March 4, 2024. “Economic […]