EVERETT—Snohomish County Parks & Recreation is developing concept plans for future projects at Martha Lake Airport Park, Martha Lake Park and Flowing Lake Park; and will hold an open house for all three projects to be held on Thursday, February 22, 2024, from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in the Chinook Room at the Northwest Stream Center located at 600 128th Street SE in Everett.
“We reviewed all of our park projects that are planned for the next six years in the Capital Improvement Program and looked at other priorities we heard through the Parks and Rec Vision Plan, our online Parks Suggestion Box, and the comprehensive planning process,” said Park Planning Supervisor Rachel Dotson. “These are the top projects identified as grant application opportunities. It is important for us to hear the community’s priorities which will guide us in what we include in the concept plans.”
Come and meet with park planners who will be collecting feedback and discussing details about the three park projects. Learn more on the project webpage: https://snocoparks.info/ConceptPlans
Martha Lake Airport Park
Project location: 14611 4th Ave W, Lynnwood, WA 98087 Website: Parks and Facilities • Martha Lake Airport Park (snohomishcountywa.gov)

Parks is pursuing a grant to fund park expansion into the northern area of Martha Lake Airport Park. This project would potentially add active amenities such as pickleball courts and parking while improving the current nature trail and access points north of 146th St SW.
Martha Lake Park
Project location: 16300 E Shore Dr, Lynnwood, WA 98087 Website: Parks and Facilities • Martha Lake (snohomishcountywa.gov)

In spring 2024, Parks will work with the community to create a vision for the future of Martha Lake Park. This concept plan will allow the county to pursue grant funding to refine the designs for the park and build the improvements. Potential elements include improved access from 164th St SW, updated play areas, dock renovations, and more.
Flowing Lake Park
Project location: 17900 48th St SE, Snohomish, WA 98290 Website: Parks and Facilities • Flowing Lake Park & Campground at Lec (snohomishcountywa.gov)
Parks is pursuing a grant to fund the replacement of the floating dock at Flowing Lake Park. This project aims to create a safe, long-lasting, and accessible dock next to the existing boat launch. Other options may include the addition of an ADA-accessible kayak launch.

About Snohomish County Parks & Recreation: The Snohomish County Parks system is incredibly diverse and boasts almost 12,000 acres of parks and open space; over 117 park properties; 100s of miles of trails and access to fresh and saltwater shorelines. Major regional park assets such as the Evergreen State Fair Park, Kayak Point County Park, Lord Hill Regional Park, and the Centennial and Interurban Trail systems host local, regional and national events that draw millions of visitors each year to Snohomish County.
About Snohomish County Conservation and Natural Resources: The Snohomish County Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) includes the Division of Surface Water Management; the Division of Parks and Recreation; the Office of Energy and Sustainability and the Office of Agriculture. DCNR works in support of thriving communities; a clean and healthy environment to foster environmental stewardship; ensuring food security; supporting a green economy, and strengthening communities by providing regional parks and infrastructure; protecting the region’s water, air, land and natural habitats; enhancing agriculture and recreation; and reducing flooding. https://snohomishcountywa.gov/5758.

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff
One Response
They are also looking for new tenants to take over the lake/park House. The current tenants are moving out because they and their kids are done getting guns drawn on them. And parks and rec. Should honestly station or House a ex cop there to open and close it!