OLYMPIA—The first statewide Washington LGBTQ+ survey to understand the experiences of LGBTQ+ Washingtonians from adolescents to adults, launched Saturday, June 1.
The survey, sponsored and funded by the Washington LGBTQ Commission in partnership with Washington State University, is designed for LGBTQ+ Washingtonians by LGBTQ+ Washingtonians. The research team expects approximately 10,000 Washingtonians will take the survey.
The Washington LGBTQ+ survey is being led, created, and conducted by an all-LGBTQ+ team. Responses to this survey are completely anonymous and will be analyzed by a research team consisting of LGBTQ+ researchers selected by the Washington LGBTQ Commission. The intention of the survey is to identify knowledge gaps about Washington’s LGBTQ+ community that can be used for policy recommendations to the Office of the Governor and the Washington State Legislature.
The Washington LGBTQ+ survey is available in English, Spanish, and Chinese; and is only intended for residents of Washington state who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ community. All survey responses are 100% anonymous; no identifying information will be collected. Survey participants will also be eligible for raffle drawings.
A research study consent form is required for all participants. For participants under the age of 18, parental permission consent is requested. The study (2024-052) has been approved for human subject participation by the Washington State Institutional Review Board.
The survey closes in January 2025. Survey questions will ask about aspects of a person’s identity, perspectives, and experiences. Topics in the survey include experiences with state polices, health care services, drug use, discrimination, and mental health. Participants can skip any question for any reason. The online questionnaire takes between 20-25 minutes to complete.
The data for the study will be kept confidential to the extent allowed by federal and state law, according to the research team. A participant’s responses will be anonymous and stored in WSU’s OneDrive’s encrypted, password-protected cloud space where these will not share with anyone.
The results of this study may be published or presented at professional meetings in a summarized form, with no identifying information to the public. For questions or more information about the study, contact CJ Janssen at cj.janssen@wsu.edu, Traci Gillig at 509-335-1034, or email the commission at contact@lgbtq.wa.gov.
By taking part in this study, participants are eligible to enter a drawing for a $50 e-gift card. However, to enter the raffle, one will need to share an email address. The email address shared will not be connected to a participant’s responses to the Washington LGBTQ+ Survey and be collected through a separate questionnaire at the end of the survey. Each study participant will have a 1 in 100 chance to win a gift card.

3 Responses
Why even bother.
For what God calls a sin, is a sin.
I thought that GOD was supposed to be the only one who “judges”.
Just saying: repeating what you learned in your faith studies does not mean you are “judging” someone.