EDMONDS—Thousands of residents throughout Puget Sound enjoyed quality local and regional talent at the 67th Annual Edmonds Arts Festival.

“It is run entirely by volunteers, and we start planning in September for the June event. We have over 400 volunteers,” Mary Ellen O’Keefe, Co-President of the Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation, told the Lynnwood Times.
The playfield of Frances Anderson Center transformed into a buzzing artisan village from Friday, June 14 to Sunday, June 16. Nearly 170 carefully selected painters, sculptors, photographers, jewelers and other unique artisans displayed and sold artwork.

The roof of the Edmonds Library, named Edmonds Arts Plaza for the event, exclusively highlighted Edmonds-area artists.

Inside the Frances Anderson Center was a diverse and highly rarefied world of juried art. Over 550 pieces by talented painters, sculptors, photographers, jewelers and other unique artisans were on display. Attendees took in breathtaking miniatures, amazing small paintings and fantastic small artisan works at the Small Works Marketplace.
The Student Art Galleries included 1000 creations by Pre-K through 12th grade artists from the Edmonds School District, Alderwood Early Childhood Center, Holy Rosary and Soundview.

The venue was host to live music and performances on the Main Stage, tasty bites from food vendors lining the street on 8th Ave and in the “food alley” between the Main Stage and the Galleries, and a Beer & Wine Grotto run by Edmonds Rotary.

The Edmonds Arts Festival occurs every year on Father’s Day weekend. It has been a cherished event in Edmonds since 1958 for people across Puget Sound to peruse galleries, meet artists, shop, socialize with friends, and be entertained by local performing artists in a beautiful setting in the charming, waterfront city of Edmonds—home of the first certified Creative District in Washington state.

A portion of profits raised by the Festival each year is given to the Edmonds Arts Festival Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization which supports educational and cultural enrichment of our community through the arts. The Foundation awards art scholarships, education grants, and installs public art. In addition, it supports multiple non-profit art-related programs and organizations.
Learn more about what there is to see and do at edmondsartsfestival.com.

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff