LACEY—The Utilities and Transportation Commission invites public participation in a workshop to review and possibly update the 2017 Policy and Interpretive Statement, which outlines the commission’s level of involvement in electric vehicle (EV) charging services offered by investor-owned electric companies.
Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission
Hybrid (in-person and virtual) workshop
10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 2, 2024
For in-person attendance:
621 Woodland Square Loop S.E., Lacey, Washington 98503
Hearing Room – Please use sign-in sheet in the lobby.
For virtual participation:
Join by Zoom (recommended) or by phone at 253-215-8782 with Meeting ID 854 4695 9047# and Passcode 580702#.
Translation services are available at no cost to you. If possible, please inform the commission at least one business day before the workshop by calling 360-664-1149, or by emailing
If you need reasonable accommodation to attend the workshop, please contact the UTC at least one business day before the workshop by calling 888-333-9882 or by emailing Please note the workshop notice and agenda list incorrect contact information for those who need to make reasonable accommodations.
In June of 2017, the UTC issued its Final Policy and Interpretive Statement to clarify its jurisdiction and regulation of EV charging services offered by UTC-regulated electric companies. Much has changed in the transportation electrification industry since then. Additionally, the regulatory environment has seen significant shifts at state and federal levels, including the adoption of several climate related laws that ultimately require 100 percent reductions in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Given these changes, regulated utilities and the public will benefit from direct guidance from the UTC. The workshop will provide an opportunity for interested parties to provide input and feedback, with the ultimate goal of ensuring the policy reflects current industry trends and follows rules established in recent legislation.
The UTC regulates the rates and services of telecommunications companies, investor-owned electric utilities, natural gas and water companies, garbage-collection haulers, household-goods movers and passenger transportation companies, commercial ferries, pipeline companies, marine pilotage, and a low-level radioactive waste repository. The commission does not regulate the rates of broadband services, cellular, cable, or Internet service.

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff