OLYMPIA—As of Monday, November 18, 2024, Washington state’s Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) has restored access to most court systems included Odyssey Case Management System (Odyssey) and Odyssey Portal. E-filing will continue to be suspended until further notice pursuant to Emergency Order 01-24.

Due to the two-week outage, the Snohomish County Superior Court Clerk’s Office is experiencing a significant backlog. Any documents filed with the Clerk after November 1, 2024, will be entered into Odyssey in the order it was received. Until the backlog is addressed, there could be delays for up to one month or more, related to the availability of case information and document images through Odyssey. For that reason, the Clerk is recommending attorneys make copies for your record of all documents you intend to file prior to filing with the Superior Court Clerk.
In 2023, a total of 443,397 proceedings were filled in Superior Courts throughout Washington state. For the month of September alone, in Snohomish County, its Superior Courts had a volume of 4,260 proceedings.
The Court adopted Emergency Order 02-24 regarding court operations. Residents are encouraged to review this order in its entirety.
Washington State Administrative Office of the Courts manages the entire judicial system for the state—Supreme Court, Court of Appeals, Superior Courts, Courts of Limited Jurisdiction, Administrative Office of the Courts, Office of Public Defense, and Office of Civil Legal Aid. As of the publication of this article, the courts.wa.gov website is still down.

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff