MUKILTEO—The Mukilteo City Council will hold a Public Hearing at their December 02, 2024, regular meeting that begins at 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, located at 11930 Cyrus Way, on the adoption of its 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).

The Washington State Growth Management Act requires local jurisdictions to include a Capital Facilities Element in their comprehensive plans with a six-year plan to finance capital facilities within projected funding capacities and identify sources of public money for such purposes—a.k.a. a funding plan for capital expenditures. The City of Mukilteo intends to adopt the 2025-2030 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to comply with this requirement.

Below is a list of current capital improvement projects in Mukilteo:
- 92nd Street Park Playground Equipment Replacement
- Harbour Pointe Village Park Playground Equipment
- Japanese Gulch Daylighting Project
- Annual Pavement Preservation
- Annual Sidewalk Repair
- 5th Street Pedestrian & Bicycle – Construction
- 2nd Street Improvements
- 84th Street Sidewalks West of SR525
- Midtown Sidewalks and Bike Improvements
- 88th Street SW Improvements (West of SR525)
- Waterfront Promenade along Tulalip Tribes Property
- Chennault Beach Creek Study
- Chennault Beach Culvert Replacement
- 47th Place West & 55th Pl LID
- Smugglers Gulch Bioretention Basin 2a
- Smugglers Gulch Bioretention Basin 3
- Pacific Place Pond Liner
- Debt Service on Rosehill Community Center
- Annual Facility Renewal
- Annual Technology Replacement
Information on this meeting can be found on the city’s land use page; City Council meeting materials are generally posted on the city’s website about a week before each meeting.
Anyone interested in commenting may provide oral or written comments at the hearing. Advance written comments will be accepted until 4:00 p.m. on the day of the hearing. Please email them to
SOURCE: City of Mukilteo

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff