After layoffs, low pay, and unrealistic story quotas, Everett Herald reporters are striking back

EVERETT—Reporters working for The Everett Daily Herald, the oldest still-functioning Snohomish County-based newspaper, have hit their limit after new management slashed half of its newsroom last summer while continuing to pay less than a livable wage and expecting unrealistic story quotas from its staff. Now the Everett NewsGuild, a unionized group of Everett Herald Reporters, […]
Edmonds College receives donation from Indo-American Friendship Forum Foundation to empower homeless students

LYNNWOOD- Edmonds College received a $12,200 donation from the Indo-American Friendship Forum Foundation (IAFFF) to help students experiencing homelessness and other housing insecurities. Leaders of the IAFFF presented the check during a ceremony on campus on Dec. 2 to Edmonds President Dr. Amit B. Singh in the presence of distinguished members of the Indian community, including IAFFF […]
New study finds that Washington ranks third most EV-friendly state

A new study by tire experts at Tires Easy after analyzing each state’s number of electric vehicle (EV) registrations, charging points, state EV incentives, and eagerness to transition, found California as most EV-friendly with Vermont and Washington rounding up the top three. With several states adopting zero-emission vehicle mandates and goals, the study produced an […]
Cascade Warbirds announces 2025 Aviation Scholarship Program

Cascade Warbirds, an organization that promotes the restoration, preservation, operation, and public display of historically significant military aircraft, is pleased to offer scholarships for Private Pilot Ground School with Introductory Flights to inspire today’s young people to become the aviation pioneers of tomorrow. Cascade Warbirds has teamed with several flight schools in the Puget Sound […]
Washington state wants to increase bureaucrats’ salaries by $1.3 billion despite claims the state is facing a budget shortfall

When Jay Inslee took the job as Governor in 2013, the state’s annual operating budget was approximately $38.4 billion. After 12 years of the Inslee administration, the state is now spending almost twice as much per year, $75.5 billion. Yet, despite this massive increase in state spending, legislators are claiming that they will need another $10-12 billion over the […]
Oral arguments on Harbor Grove Subdivision presented to Hearing Examiner

MUKILTEO—Phil Albrecht, the City of Mukilteo’s Hearing Examiner, heard public and stakeholder testimonies concerning a recent appeal on the Harbor Grove Subdivision development proposal during a public hearing Thursday, December 5. Harbor Grove is a proposed development of a seven-lot subdivision on 2.43 acres of land with associated grading, drainage improvements, landscaping, and street frontage […]