LYNNWOOD—On January 29, 2025, officers and detectives with the Lynnwood Police Department conducted a special retail theft emphasis at the Lynnwood Fred Meyer.

During this 6-hour retail theft emphasis, Lynnwood officers made 14 arrests. During interviews, Lynnwood Detectives learned that at least 8 of the 14 arrested indicated they were not residents of Lynnwood.
In one arrest, the comment was, “I got tipped off about this last night. About Fred Meyer, I was tipped off about how easy it was (retail theft), so that’s why I came in.”
The Lynnwood Police Department is committed to making our city and our retail establishments a fun and safe place to shop and wants to remind would-be crooks that retail theft will not be tolerated within the City of Lynnwood.
If one chooses to commit retail theft within the City of Lynnwood, you will be held accountable, you will be arrested, and there is a high possibility that you will spend time in Lynnwood’s brand-new state-of-the-art jail.
Lynnwood officers and detectives will be conducting additional retail enforcement details over the next few months.
Source: Lynnwood Police Department

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff