October 5, 2024 7:15 am

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Initiative against banning natural gas in WA state gets 546,000 signatures

OLYMPIA—The Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW), Let’s Go Washington, the Washington Hospitality Association (WHA) and others on Friday, July 5, submitted the final round of petitions supporting Initiative 2066 to protect natural gas as an energy choice, bringing the total to 546,000+ signatures in 50 days.

The 546,000+ signatures gathered is the second-highest for a state initiative and the most gathered in over 50 years.

natural gas initiative
Scene at the Washington State Secretary of State Office on July 2, 2024, when the first round of natural gas Initiative 2066 petitions was submitted. SOURCE: Building Industry Association of Washington.

“When we launched this initiative 50 days ago, I knew Washingtonians opposed the idea of banning natural gas, but the support for this initiative has been truly amazing,” said Greg Lane, BIAW Executive Vice President. “We look forward to voters now having the chance to protect natural gas as an energy choice by approving I-2066 in November.”

By state law, supporters must submit 324,516 valid signatures from registered Washington voters by July 5 to qualify for the November General Election ballot. The Secretary of State’s office recommends a “cushion” of 15 to 20% in case some of the signatures collected are duplicates or from non-voters.

“Today’s announcement is the result of a strong partnership with Washington’s leading industry associations and the passion of the people of Washington who are tired of politicians in Olympia making their lives more expensive,” said Brian Heywood of Let’s Go Washington. “Initiative 2066 will now be on the ballot in November. Together with the three other initiatives we have on the ballot, we’re giving Washington the ultimate opportunity to vote yes and pay less.”

Protecting natural gas as an energy choice

BIAW, WHA and others have fought off political efforts in the legislature, at the local government level and at the Washington State Building Code Council to end natural gas service for Washington residents and businesses who rely on it.

I-2066 protects reliable, affordable energy choices like natural gas and propane and prohibits gas bans in Washington. I-2066 gives Washington voters the freedom to join the 24 other states in America who’ve banned natural gas bans in support of energy choice.

natural gas initiative

“I-2066 will ensure families and businesses across the state can continue to rely on natural gas as an energy source for their stoves, water heaters, barbecues, furnaces and fireplaces,” said Anthony Anton, President and CEO of the Washington Hospitality Association. “It would also protect people and businesses from being forced to make the costly switch to all-electric power.

“Many restaurant and lodging owners continue to carry significant debt from COVID,” he said. “The cost of converting equipment then wiring and replacing panels for the higher electric load will rise to six figures for most operators and over a million for hundreds of others, meaning Washington will lose even more of these businesses.”

About Initiative 2066

I-2066 protects natural gas as an energy choice, ensures energy stability and security, and prohibits natural gas bans in Washington.

Signing Initiative 2066 gives voters the power to:

  • Stop the state from limiting natural gas service to homes and businesses, like restaurants and breweries.
  • Protect natural gas for heating, cooking and more.
  • Stop state and local governments, and their agencies, from banning, restricting, or discouraging gas and gas appliances in homes and businesses, like restaurants.
  • Make sure gas utilities will continue to provide natural gas to customers who want it.
  • Protect people from having to switch to only electric energy.
  • Keep the power on when our energy grid is at capacity in super cold or hot weather.

Signing Initiative 2066 does not:

  • Force anyone to use natural gas or natural gas appliances.
  • Take away energy incentives and rebates for those who choose them.
  • Reduce the state’s commitment to addressing climate change.


Building Industry Association of Washington | Washington Hospitality Association | Associated General Contractors of Washington | Washington Aggregates & Concrete Association | NW Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association | Washington Denturist Association | Associated Builders & Contractors Western WA Chapter | Associated Builders & Contractors Inland Pacific Chapter | Washington REALTORS | Washington State Tree Fruit Association

More information 

SOURCE: Building Industry Association of Washington

26 Responses

  1. Where are the opposing views? Context? What efforts to ban?

    This is just a lobbyist opinion piece, not journalism. Pathetic.

    1. You already know the answers to these questions Joe. We the people of Washington are sick of getting railroaded by the left wing elite bureaucrats that have run this state for decades.
      There are no cogent or honest opposing views.

    2. This article is deceptive at best. The initiative and to roll back elements of the clean air act. The actual law doesn’t cut natural gas, but instead creates incentives for using electric. These guys did in front of grocery stores all over central Washington with very vague and aggressive petitioners who used scare tactics on the elderly “they’re trying to end propane barbeque and gas ranges”. Shameful

      1. Really? Because I read what was passed and it most definitely is a ban on new homes receiving gas and propane services. Additionally it allowed for utility providers such as PSE to stop serving NG to existing customers.
        There is a much bigger play here than just keeping the Elderly from flipping burgers on the grill.
        This is the core of people’s homes… there main heat source, hot water, clothes dryer, stove top, and oven.
        A utility provider can just cut them off from service according to the language that was passed by our state legislative. It will cost someone 10’s of thousands of dollars to retrofit there house to all electric. And that’s not including the service upgrade that some/most will probably require. And you better hope that PSE doesn’t have to upgrade there transformer on the pole or even worse yet… pad mount. Potentially another 10-15k that they can stick on the home owners tab.

    3. Those who are pro foolishness always oppose legislation which is pro citizenry. I mean it seems that you hate human beings; & yet, you are one. I have a suggestion for all of you whom oppose lifting & restricting non-stop efforts to place strangleholds on human beings; being that you are also human beings; however, I won’t put that out, here.

    4. This is about having the freedom of choice and a little bit of common sense, or the lack thereof. I am considering converting to electric heat in my house, which is currently running on natural gas, so I am not against electric heat. I am against not having options.

    1. It’s amazing that to this day, no one has died from exposure due to a natural gas stove simply cooking meals. How about freedom of choice? Is this America or Communist China? If these politicians were so concerned with banning things because of health concerns, why are cigarettes still sold? Always follow the money.

    2. Yeah and water is hazardous to your health in large quantities too. So is electricity and magnetic fields.
      So is lithium ion batteries and there lack of recyclable contents.
      But I’m not telling you that you can’t have any of those. So leave my propane and natural gas alone.

  2. Having energy alternatives means that we will not be controlled by one company who could be greedy and/or sold off to foreign entities.

    Choice makes sense!

    1. I love reading comments posted by folks whom continue to have fully functioning brain cells: Very well stated, Rebecca

  3. We need to get this state back to basics. We have a good chance this Nov. Get these libs out of office. Not just the governor but the state offices right down to city councils. It’s our state not theirs……

  4. Whoever gave these price quotes is absolutely ripping you off 😂😂

    Also, who needs a 300 amp panel these days??

    1. Everyone will if everything moves to being electric.
      This whole push to eliminate NG from homes is PSE lobbying because they don’t want to replace there aging gas infrastructure that’s in the ground.
      Instead they will make all new home builds pay insane amounts to upgrade the undersized electrical infrastructure.

  5. We need to get those left wing extremists out of our State government starting with the Governor by electing a conservative GOP including the west side Democrat representative legislature majority.

  6. As a service tech for a commercial HVAC contractor, natural gas is still the most efficient and effective way to provide heat, especially when the outdoor temperatures get into the 20’s and ‘teens. Switch everything to electric while in the same breath talk about removing dams from our rivers…what kind of stupidity is that!!! Yes, follow the $$$ and you’re going to see who REALLY is behind this insanity!!!

  7. Methane use is not being banned. If you want to continue breathing in methane finds from your natural gas appliances, you are free to do so. Heat pumps and induction stoves are more efficient but if you want to throw money away and also breathe in methane fumes, you are still free to do so.

    1. I laud your choice to do what you wish. I just don’t want a leftist to limit my choices. That’s why America is the land of the free. Using weak insults to prove ones OPINIONS rather than facts is typical of the left. When the power goes out, I’ll still have heat and hot water.

  8. This is democracy at work. We should freedom on whom we marry, what religion we choose to believe in (or not), if we choose to carry a child, and yes – even the choice on the energy choice we use in our homes.

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