February 19, 2025 2:01 pm

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Mukilteo awarded $100,000 grant for digitizing permit submittals


OLYMPIA—Mukilteo among 16 cities and four counties across Washington awarded a grant by the state Department of Commerce to streamline its local building permit review processes. Mukilteo received $100,000 of the $3 million awarded to all grant recipients in September. “The City of Mukilteo transitioned to fully digital permit submittals and review on January 1, […]

Mini Einstein Learning Center holds ribbon cutting for new childcare facility

Mini Einstein

LYNNWOOD—Mini Einstein early childcare learning center held a ribbon cutting ceremony and open house Friday, April 26, commemorating its brand-new building at 21020 67th Avenue West in Lynnwood. The building will officially open on May 1, after a long, five years in-the-making. “Mini Einsteins is very welcoming, and they’ve been so great with our kids, […]

Lynnwood-based Mini Einstein’s Learning Center receives $1.85 million grant

Mini Einstein's

LYNNWOOD—Lynnwood-based Mini Einstein’s Learning Center was the recipient of a grant by the Washington State Department of Commerce to provide a high-quality early learning space in South Snohomish County. The agency recently awarded $30.4 million in capital funds to 42 early learning facilities that serve nearly 2,500 children across 15 counties to create 2,422 new […]

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