US Supreme Court denies request by Republican Latino voters to pause the Lasnik redistricting map

Washinton, D.C.—An emergency application for an injunction to the adoption of an alleged gerrymandered court-approved redistricting map ordered by Judge Robert Lasnik of the District Court of Western Washington, was denied on Monday, April 2, by United States Supreme Court Justices whom Justice Elena Kagan, assigned to the Ninth Circuit Court, referred the matter. As […]
Republicans fighting for Latino representation as WA state redistricting dispute heads to US Supreme Court

SEATTLE—On Friday, March 22, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied the request to stay (put on hold) the adoption of a redistricting map ordered by Judge Robert Lasnik, of the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington, on March 15. The matter now heads to the United States Supreme Court where Justice […]