March 13, 2025 12:25 pm

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Mukilteo Mayor Joe Marine appointed to Puget Sound Regional Council

MUKILTEO—Mukilteo Mayor Joe Marine was appointed by Snohomish County Cities on January 16 to represent all cities and towns within the county—except Everett with its designated seat—on the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). Marine will serve as a member of the PSRC’s Growth Management Policy Board. “Snohomish County, but cities in general, need to have a voice for advocating local […]

Mukilteo Budget: Big bets and tough choices avoided

mukilteo budget

At the November 25 Council Special meeting, the Mukilteo City Council voted 5- 2, Councilmembers Dixon and Steve Schmalz against, to adopt the biennial budget for the years 2025-2026. The adopted budget, little changed from the mayor’s 2025-2026 preliminary budget, draws down the general fund ending balance, our savings account, from $5 million today, to […]

Commentary: Just Trust Joe?

Mayor Marine

Doubling down on obfuscation: At the November 4 Council Regular meeting, the Council voted to close the public hearing on the City’s biennial preliminary budget from the mayor for the years 2025-2026.  The mayor’s 2025-2026 budget draws down the general fund ending balance, our savings account, from $5 million today, to under $2 million in […]

Mukilteo may soon become bigger and better, annexation vote December

mukilteo annex

MUKILTEO—The Mukilteo City Council will hold a Public Hearing to annex a portion of land between the Mukilteo Speedway and the Paine Field Airport north of Bevely Park Road as well as six parcels south of Beverly Park Rd. Most recent interlocal annexation agreements in Snohomish County have been that of the Town of Woodway […]

Police records point to inconsistencies in Riaz Khan’s assault claim

khan attack

MUKILTEO—The Lynnwood Times followed up with State Representative Republican candidate Riaz Khan on how he is coping following what he claims was an attack by two politically and racially motivated individuals during the early morning of Tuesday, October 29 at the intersection of Goat Trail Road and Mukilteo Speedway. The Lynnwood Times also obtained 911 […]

Muslim Republican candidate brutally assaulted in politically motivated attack

politically motivated attack

MUKILTEO—The intersection of Highway 525 and Goat Trail Road in Old Town Mukilteo, became a scene of a politically motivated attack against former Mukilteo City Councilman and current Republican candidate for the Washington State House of Representatives, 21st Legislative District, Riaz Khan. “You fucking foreigners, you come to America, you son of a bitch,” Khan […]

Mukilteo awarded $100,000 grant for digitizing permit submittals


OLYMPIA—Mukilteo among 16 cities and four counties across Washington awarded a grant by the state Department of Commerce to streamline its local building permit review processes. Mukilteo received $100,000 of the $3 million awarded to all grant recipients in September. “The City of Mukilteo transitioned to fully digital permit submittals and review on January 1, […]

Mukilteo Mayor to propose ‘lean’ biennium budget to weather fiscal challenges

MUKILTEO—Mayor Joe Marine will be presenting his city’s first biennium budget to residents during a Special Meeting at Mukilteo City Hall at 6 p.m. on Monday, October 14. After his address, members of the public will have up to five minutes each to ask questions on the proposed 2025-26 biennium budget during the Public Hearing. […]

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