Lynnwood adopts city budget with a 52% property tax increase

Last week, by a vote of 4-3, the Lynnwood City Council passed a City property tax increase of 52%. That large of an increase is something I could not vote for and as City Council President, I am concerned about the impact on residents with such a tremendous tax increase. Please, I want to be […]
Lynnwood City Council adopts $420 million biennial 2025-26 budget

LYNNWOOD—After weeks of discussion, the Lynnwood City Council on Monday, November 25, adopted the 2025-2026 Biennial Budget and 2025 Property Tax Levy. The adopted budget lays out the City’s estimates for revenue and expenses, with a $420 million biennial budget for all funds including $158 million general fund budget. The City Council adopted a 2025 […]
Nine presidential nominations by minor parties and independent candidates qualify for Washington’s November ballot

OLYMPIA — Nine presidential nominations by minor parties and independent candidates have qualified to appear on Washington’s November 5 General Election ballot, the Secretary of State’s Office announced on August 13. The Office of the Secretary of State issued letters Tuesday to notify each nominating group of its qualification. Including nominees from the two major […]
Council blocks mayor appointment, Lynnwood Police labor contracts approved

LYNNWOOD—At its Regular Business Meeting, on Monday, August 12, Lynnwood City Council approved the Lynnwood Police Collective Bargaining Agreements and unanimously authorized the mayor to reopen the confirmation process for Director of Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts, preventing her interim appointee from permanently being appointed to the position, for now. “I move that the city […]
Retired Lynnwood Parks Director requests a restart in recruitment process

LYNNWOOD—Former Lynnwood Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Arts Director Lynn Sordel contacted the Lynnwood City Council Tuesday, July 23, requesting they “mandate” Mayor Christine Frizzell to restart the recruitment process in order to fill the vacant Parks Director position he left after retiring back in March. When Sordel retired, Mayor Frizzell transitioned Superintendent Joel Faber into […]
Lynnwood redacts Parks Director applications in wake of transparency concerns

LYNNWOOD—In following up with some City of Lynnwood staff members’, and former staff members’, concerns over the city’s lack of transparency related to executive leadership position appointments, the Lynnwood Times requested to see all applications of those applying, and interviewing, for the vacant Parks Director position left when former Director Lynn Sordel’s retired; however, all […]
Lynnwood Mayor faces criticism in recent appointments and a force retirement

LYNNWOOD—When former Lynnwood Parks & Recreation Director Lynn Sordel officially retired from his position on March 15, he was disappointed by Mayor Christine Frizzell’s decision to place Joel Faber as interim Director instead of his, and his staff’s, recommendation to transition Deputy Director Sarah Olson into the role of Director. Now, some city staff members, […]
Outgoing Lynnwood Parks Director ‘disappointed’ with mayor for not following succession plan

LYNNWOOD—When former Lynnwood Parks & Recreation Director, Lynn Sordel, announced his retirement in November of 2023, he made it clear to council that he would deliver a comprehensive succession plan to be submitted to Mayor Christine Frizzell. But now the retired Lynnwood Parks & Recreation Director feels “disappointed” with Mayor Frizzell for neither following through […]
New Alderwood Towne Center signage upgrades approved to move forward

LYNNWOOD—The council unanimously approved Alderwood Towne Center signage upgrades and amended its municipal code related to Undergrounding of Overhead Electric Wires at its Business Meeting at on Monday, March 25. The City of Lynnwood contracts with Summit Strategies to provide federal lobbyist services. Summit Strategies Partner, Mark Dedrick, has been working with the City of Lynnwood […]
Lynnwood expected to approve new signage for Alderwood Towne Center

LYNNWOOD—For its Business Meeting at 6 p.m., Monday, March 25, the Lynnwood City Council is expected to vote on a proposed development agreement involving signage upgrades with Alderwood Towne Center, and amend its municipal code related to Undergrounding of Overhead Electric Wires. Ordinance: Alderwood Towne Center Master Signage Plan Development Agreement The Lynnwood Council is expected to vote […]