Commentary: Just Trust Joe?
Doubling down on obfuscation: At the November 4 Council Regular meeting, the Council voted to close the public hearing on the City’s biennial preliminary budget from the mayor for the years 2025-2026. The mayor’s 2025-2026 budget draws down the general fund ending balance, our savings account, from $5 million today, to under $2 million in […]
Broken promises, lies & dereliction of duty: How Mayor Marine has driven city finances into a ditch
On Friday afternoon October 11 at 4:15 p.m., the Mukilteo City Council received the City’s first biennial preliminary budget from Mayor Joe Marine for the years 2025-2026. In the run up to this preliminary budget, there was vigorous debate concerning waiving our deficit spending policy, known as the Gap policy, for this budget, with the […]
Mukilteo authorizes an Executive Assistant position and recognizes a new holiday
MUKILTEO, Wash., May 19, 2022 – For its May 16 Regular Meeting, Mukilteo City Council authorized Mayor Joe Marine to sign a purchase order for the Mukilteo Police Department to buy a Y-Model Tesla vehicle; passed a Source Control Ordinance to protect the City’s stormwater, an amendment to hire an Administrative Executive Assistant, and a […]