Mukilteo Budget: Big bets and tough choices avoided
At the November 25 Council Special meeting, the Mukilteo City Council voted 5- 2, Councilmembers Dixon and Steve Schmalz against, to adopt the biennial budget for the years 2025-2026. The adopted budget, little changed from the mayor’s 2025-2026 preliminary budget, draws down the general fund ending balance, our savings account, from $5 million today, to […]
Commentary: Just Trust Joe?
Doubling down on obfuscation: At the November 4 Council Regular meeting, the Council voted to close the public hearing on the City’s biennial preliminary budget from the mayor for the years 2025-2026. The mayor’s 2025-2026 budget draws down the general fund ending balance, our savings account, from $5 million today, to under $2 million in […]
Broken promises, lies & dereliction of duty: How Mayor Marine has driven city finances into a ditch
On Friday afternoon October 11 at 4:15 p.m., the Mukilteo City Council received the City’s first biennial preliminary budget from Mayor Joe Marine for the years 2025-2026. In the run up to this preliminary budget, there was vigorous debate concerning waiving our deficit spending policy, known as the Gap policy, for this budget, with the […]
Mukilteo Mayor to propose ‘lean’ biennium budget to weather fiscal challenges
MUKILTEO—Mayor Joe Marine will be presenting his city’s first biennium budget to residents during a Special Meeting at Mukilteo City Hall at 6 p.m. on Monday, October 14. After his address, members of the public will have up to five minutes each to ask questions on the proposed 2025-26 biennium budget during the Public Hearing. […]
YOUR MONEY: The $1.3 million boondoggle South Mukilteo Park
MUKILTEO—Mukilteo City Council on Monday, July 1, approved $1.3 million to “renovate” an existing park in Harbour Pointe, using $800,000 of your tax dollars on a “South Mukilteo Park” project that is now $550,000 over budget; yet is asking Mukilteans to cough up $180 per home or $1.5 million per year for an EMS Levy […]
Mukilteo 2024 State of the City address, February 28
MUKILTEO—Mukilteo Mayor Joe Marine will deliver his 2024 State of the City Address on Wednesday, February 28, 2024, at 11:30 a.m. at Rosehill Community Center. Hosted by the Mukilteo Chamber of Commerce, the event is free and open to the public. Registration is encouraged but not required. Mayor Marine will present the State of the […]
Mukilteo council suspends oral public comments for virtual meetings
MUKILTEO, December 18, 2023—The Mukilteo council approved restricting virtual public comments, a 2023 budget amendment with hundreds of thousands of dollars in increases, fifty-thousand dollars in 2024 Community Grants, and 13 organizations for no-cost facility use at its last Business Meeting for the year on Monday, December 18. The Council presented outgoing councilman Riaz Khan […]
Mukilteo council to approve 2024 community grant recommendations
MUKILTEO, Wash., December 17, 2023—The Mukilteo City Council will be voting to approve both Community Support Grant recommendations and Co-Sponsorship Grant awards for 2024, and the 2023 Budget amendments at its Business Meeting at 6:00 p.m., Monday, December 18. This meeting will be held both in-person and can watch the live streaming of Council Meetings […]
Mukilteo holding two virtual open houses on the Surface Water Comprehensive Plan Update
Mukilteo, Wash., October 22, 2023—The City of Mukilteo is holding two virtual open houses on the Surface Water Comprehensive Plan Update. The updated plan has been in development for the past year, and the City is interested in sharing a progress update and getting feedback from the public. The plan will provide a road map […]
Mukilteo to confirm Hearing Examiner Contract and Water Quality Grants on September 18
MUKILTEO, Wash., September 16, 2023—For its Business Meeting at 6:00 p.m., Monday, September 18, the Mukilteo City Council will vote on FY-25 Water Quality grant for four projects and confirm the Mayor Joe Marine’s appointment of Alex Sidles as Hearing Examiner. This meeting will be held both in-person and can watch the live streaming of […]