March 14, 2025 12:16 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Confusing initiative titles should not be a thing


A recent KIRO 7 News headline from Nov. 6, the day after the recent election, reads: “‘Confusing verbiage’ may have influenced WA voters on statewide initiatives, expert says.” Ya think?  You didn’t need an expert to tell you that. Read the titles for yourself. Those of us paying attention to 2024 ballot measures for months have been worried all […]

Interactive map now available showcasing CCA projects at risk if I-2117 passes

Clean Prosperous Institute

SEATTLE—The Clean & Prosperous Institute, a fiscally sponsored project of the Washington Business Alliance Fund set on reducing greenhouse emissions in Washington, launched a risk of repeal map intended to showcase how Climate Commitment Act (CCA) funds are used for community-based projects statewide and what’s at risk if the funds from the act are removed […]

WSDOT awards Port of Everett a $4.3 million CCA grant to electrify South Terminal

EVERETT—The Port of Everett was one of 11 recipients awarded a capital grant, funded with Climate Commitment Act (CCA) funds, by the Washington Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT) Port Electrification Program. The Port of Everett was awarded the $4.3 million competitive grant in August to be used to help fund a $5.8 million project to construct […]

County approves ballot measure to expand Port of Everett boundary

Port Everett boundary

EVERETT—On March 12, 2024, the Snohomish County Council unanimously approved a motion to place the petition by the Port of Everett for boundary enlargement on the August 2024 primary ballot. Council action follows a historic first by the Port of Everett Commission, which on December 19, 2023, unanimously passed Resolution No. 1220 directing Port staff […]

First three Let’s Go Washington initiatives pass the legislature and now law

three initiatives

OLYMPIA—Three of six Let’s Go Washington landmark initiatives to the legislature passed both chambers of the Washington State Senate and House on Monday, March 4, and will become law in 90 days after the Legislature adjourns on March 7—no signature by Governor Jay Inslee is needed. The three initiatives that did not receive public hearings […]

Washington lawmakers hold public hearing on police pursuit initiative

pursuit initiative

OLYMPIA—The Senate Law and Justice Committee and the House Community Safety, Justice, and Reentry Committee held a public hearing on February 28 to discuss I-2113, the police pursuit initiative. A total of 161 people signed up to testy in which 151 were in favor of the initiative; another 5,483 people signed a petition not to testify […]

Port of Everett presents expansion to County Council for ballot approval

Port Everett

EVERETT—Port of Everett CEO & Executive Director Lisa Lefeber gave a presentation on expanding its boundaries to the Snohomish County Council during their legislative session on January 24. The Council is expected to vote on moving the ballot measure forward in mid-February. The port’s decision is influenced by public outreach conducted in 2018 and 2019. […]

Inslee visits Port of Everett, discusses electrifying WA’s maritime industry

Port Everett electrifying

EVERETT—Washington State Governor Jay Inslee visited the Port of Everett’s Pier 3, Wednesday, January 17, where officials are electrifying key infrastructure to reduce carbon pollution and improve overall air quality at the working waterfront. The port recently received a $5 million investment from the Climate Commitment Act funds to electrify its Pier 3 to serve […]

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