Electroimpact’s annual Christmas Party and Light Display
SPONSORED FEATURE | Shared by Lynnwood Times
Perched atop its main, 4-story building, is a 50-foot, 180-pound Christmas tree above the Mukilteo skyline. For five years, Electroimpact’s annual Christmas Party has displayed a light studded Christmas theme for the entire city to enjoy.
“The tree is comprised of 2,300 lights with a 7,000 lumens star that can be seen from the Mukilteo Ace Hardware store over a mile away,” said Jon Larsen, the Mechanical Engineering Technician who leads the effort. “Designs typically start in September and by mid-November the tree and other displays are complete.”
This year, an amazing 36,000-light collage of various Christmas themes line Chennault Beach Rd. in Mukilteo. Besides the rows of well-lit trees, Larsen and his team featured a nativity scene, a 2-story Santa Claus, reindeer, Mrs. Claus and a snowman.

“The display started in 2014 with rope lights but I wanted to do something big,” said Larsen. “Peter [Electroimpact C.E.O.] said make it happen!” When asked why he does the annual display, Larsen replied, “I enjoy seeing the enjoyment from others.”
Larsen, an Alaska native and Mukilteo resident, has been with Electroimpact since 2008. “Flexibility and the opportunity to do what it takes to get the job done is why I love working here.” Larsen says many would consider him a jack-of-all-trades. “I design, perform assembly testing, develop prototypes, manage 3D printing labs, handle audio visual systems and project manage.”
On December 14, several hundred employees, their families, and guests attended Electroimpact’s annual Christmas Party. The event is named after deceased employee Mac McLendon who, in 1992, made breakfast for everyone at Electroimpact on an electric skillet to counter the then serious-minded business culture.

Today it has grown to a smorgasbord of food by four cooks and serenading from the Kamiak Barbershop Choir. Event activities included photos with Santa; arts and crafts; a youth lab where kids have fun programming, designing and playing with robotics; and kids crane games.

During the event, Electroimpact’s owner and C.E.O., Peter Zieve, gave a heartfelt presentation dedicated to all the employees that have passed since the company’s inception. Zieve continued sharing the company’s growth from a small office in Seattle to a 15.5-acre $200M company headquartered in Mukilteo, WA.
“This year, Electroimpact employees will receive a total of $10M from its employee profit sharing program,” Zieve told an applauding crowd. Zieve was appreciative of the Christmas cards received and shared both baby and wedding pictures from employees around the world.

Electroimpact is an international automation and tooling solutions aerospace supplier. Its customers include Airbus, Boeing, Blue Origin, SpaceX, Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Fuji Heavy Industries, Spirit Aerospace, Vought, Northrop-Grumman, Israeli Aircraft Industries, Xi’an Aircraft of China, Bombardier and Embraer among others.
Event organizer Amanda Bogart would like to recognize the following persons for their hard work to make the event a success: Kaitlyn Simester, Ryan Davidge, Michael Kessler, Chuck and Pidgey Hopper, Nick Hecock, Brent Huffer, and Jayce Brown. Kaitlyn Simester, Electroimpact’s Human Resource Specialist, said Electroimpact has a great atmosphere. “We encourage employees to foster relationships with each other. Electoimpact’s motto is: ‘Have fun and make money!’”

Author: Mario Lotmore
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