On March 25, 2020, Mayor Jennifer Gregerson issued a Proclamation of Emergency temporarily suspending the ban on single-use plastic bags. Recently, the City became aware that certain grocers and retailers suspended use of customer-provided reusable bags in order to prevent contact that could spread COVID-19.
As a result, these retailers were out of compliance with Chapter 8.22 of the Mukilteo Municipal Code which states that the only permitted bag types are
- Reusable bags;
- Recyclable paper bags;
- One hundred percent post-industrial recycled resin bags; or
- Bags made from renewable compostable materials.
This suspension would extend for a period of 30 days after the date of the proclamation. Following issuance of this proclamation, City staff contacted grocery stores to inform managers of the temporary suspension. This proclamation was also shared with the Mukilteo Chamber of Commerce for distribution to their business network, and on the City’s website and social media; information about this proclamation was also sent to the Mukilteo Beacon.
All modifications to the Mukilteo Municipal Code must have City Council ratification, which is scheduled for April 6. Given the effective date of DRAFT Ordinance 1439 – Bag Proclamation, a majority plus one of the full council, or five members, is required to adopt the ordinance. If adopted, the ordinance would be effective immediately, retroactive to March 25, 2020 for a period of 30 days or until April 24, 2020. A draft of Ordinance 1439 is attached.
To learn more about the Mayor and City’s Updates COVID-19, visit https://mukilteowa.gov/covid-19/.

Author: Mario Lotmore