by Erin Freeman | Lynnwood Times Staff
Mother’s Day celebrations looked different this year due to social distancing requirements posed by the coronavirus, but the pandemic didn’t stop Silver Creek Family Church from honoring the women of Lynnwood.
Cars lined up outside of the church the evening before Mother’s Day to receive flowers in a drive-thru service, organized to express thanks to their women members while minimizing person-to-person contact.
“We’re still trying to appreciate the mom’s and ladies that are a part of our church”, said Silver Creek’s Teaching Pastor Brent Hudson. “When they drive by, we’ll tell them we appreciate them and thank them for what they’re doing by taking on even more responsibilities right now.”
Restrictions imposed to battle the coronavirus has prevented social gatherings, suspending the church’s standard Mother Day tradition of getting together and celebrating with their members.
Still, Hudson and the church’s Executive Director Elizabeth Volz were committed to showing their appreciation for mothers while adhering to distancing guidelines and safety measures.
“Driving to everybody’s houses seemed a little bit problematic and impossible, so we just thought we’ll give away flowers, Hudson said. “We just thought that this would be a fun way to connect and see people momentarily at a safe distance.”
Mother of three Sarah Franklin, a member of Silver Creek Family Church since 2014, says that the drive-thru event was a thoughtful gesture during these unprecedented times, and is just one of the many ways the church was staying connected with members.
“They have just done an amazing job this entire stay at home order staying connected with the church family, especially today by having all of the mothers come through and get flowers,” remarked Franklin. “It just made my Mother’s Day exceptional. The fact that they’re still thinking of us and always looking out for the members of the church has been wonderful.”
Mother’s Day morning, the church also delivered donuts to the women of Quail Park, a local senior living center, who have been in a strict lockdown with limited to no contact with others since the onset of the pandemic.
The baked goods were delivered to residents in pastry boxes with a personalized message of support reading “you’re loved, you’re cared for, and just know that people are thinking of you,” according to Hudson.
Hudson says they got the idea after learning that a couple frequenting the church had recently moved into the facility and have been unable to leave their rooms for over a month.
“We were aware of the situation the two of them are going through and knew that everyone in that facility is dealing with the same thing,” Hudson explained. We wondered how we could reach out and let them know that they’re not forgotten.”
Mother’s Day was Sunday, May 10. To learn more about Silver Creek Family Church’s response to COVID-19, visit

Author: Erin Freeman
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