As former Snohomish County Superior Court judges with a collective 100 years of experience on the bench, we care deeply about the quality of the jurist who is given the honor and responsibility of serving this community. With the upcoming retirement of Judge Lucas from Snohomish County Superior Court, Position 8, we wish to express our support for the candidacy of Robert Grant for Snohomish County Superior Judge.
We have had the opportunity to observe Robert Grant as an attorney regularly appearing before the Snohomish County Superior Court. Robert Grant’s earnest dedication to performing his role with professionalism, respect, reason, and restraint is apparent in the courtroom. We believe Mr. Grant has not only the capability, but also the demeanor to be a fair-minded judge who will make fair and just decisions under the law, by presiding over hearings with the same qualities he brings to every hearing as an advocate.
By learning the job on the ground as a pro tem judge for many years, in addition to his work as a prosecutor, Mr. Grant is the only candidate who has shown dedication to learning the nuances of procedure and real-time decision making that a skillful judge possesses.
We have high confidence that Mr. Grant will become a valued member of the Superior Court bench, and we humbly ask you to consider our endorsement when you vote this November.
Linda C. Krese
Snohomish County Superior Court Judge (Retired)
Ellen J. Fair
Snohomish County Superior Court Judge (Retired)
Thomas J. Wynne
Snohomish County Superior Court Judge (Retired)
Kenneth L. Cowsert
Snohomish County Superior Court Judge (Retired)

Author: Mario Lotmore