By The Office of Congressman Rick Larsen | Press Release
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Rick Larsen, Chair of the House Aviation Subcommittee, released the below statement on the Federal Aviation Administration’s decision to unground the Boeing 737 MAX:
“The FAA’s decision to unground the 737 MAX is good news for us in the Pacific Northwest. The decision provides some certainty to the aerospace jobs in Northwest Washington, despite the downturn in aviation travel due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“The United States is the leader in global aviation, and the FAA’s actions in the U.S. have profound implications for air travel around the world. I am confident safety was the guiding principle in the FAA’s review and decision to unground the Boeing 737 MAX. At my first opportunity, I will fly in a MAX airplane.
“For nearly two years, the families of the 346 victims of the two tragic 737 MAX crashes championed necessary reforms to the U.S. aircraft certification process to ensure no other families experience such unthinkable loss. Yesterday, the House passed my bipartisan aircraft certification bill, which uses lessons learned from the Committee’s thorough investigation and the recommendations of the independent Technical Advisory Board (TAB), Joint Authorities Technical Review (JATR) and other entities to restore the integrity of the certification process and make flight safer.
“With critical changes in place to ensure the 737 MAX’s safe return to service, it is my hope Boeing employees can get back to work, drive economic recovery and ensure U.S. aviation remains globally competitive. As Chair of the House Aviation Subcommittee, I will continue to work with Chair DeFazio, the Ranking Members and my colleagues to improve aviation safety.”

Author: Mario Lotmore