Snohomish County Tomorrow and Snohomish County Cities invite you to attend a virtual presentation
EVERETT, Wash., January 12, 2021 — Many things about life in our region changed dramatically with the COVID-19 pandemic. Come hear three speakers address economic trends, the changed trends in traffic, aviation, population and employment, as well as changing demands on infrastructure as a result of telework. Our speakers will be: Josh Brown, Executive Director of Puget Sound Regional Council; Russ Elliott, Director of Washington State’s Broadband Office; and Chris Mefford, Interim President and CEO of Economic Alliance Snohomish County.
The presentations will start at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 27, 2021, and will take place virtually. The public is invited to listen in; see details below for how to register. This program is being co-sponsored by Snohomish County Tomorrow (SCT) and Snohomish County Cities (SCC).
To register please visit or contact Cynthia Pruitt, SCT Coordinator, at
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About Snohomish County Tomorrow (SCT)
Snohomish County Tomorrow is a cooperative forum with representatives from Snohomish County and 19 of its cities, as well as from the Tulalip Tribes. The group’s primary function is to oversee Countywide Planning Policies – written policies on growth management from which the county and cities’ comprehensive land use plans are developed.
About Snohomish County Cities
SCC is based on these values:
- Advocate for our communities
- Engage local leaders to meet shared challenges
- Partner to create a vibrant, thriving county

Author: Mario Lotmore