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2021 Legislative Session: Upcoming committee hearings, March 22-26

Go to TVW for broadcasts of committee hearings, work sessions and Floor action. If you’re interested in a particular event, but were not able to watch it live, TVW has you covered with its extensive and easy to search archives.

Holding a remote session does not mean you don’t get to have your say. We have a brand new system for you to submit testimony on any bill.


Labor, Commerce & Tribal Affairs3/22/2021 9:30 AM

Executive Session:

1.   2SHB 1076 – Allowing whistleblowers to bring actions on behalf of the state for violations of workplace protections.

2.   HB 1289 – Concerning winery workforce development.

3.   ESHB 1443 – Concerning social equity within the cannabis industry.

Law & Justice3/22/2021 9:30 AM

Public Hearing: SHB 1209 – Concerning immunity protection for nonmedical assistance. (Remote testimony.)

Early Learning & K-12 Education3/22/2021 1:30 PM

Public Hearing:

1.   SHB 1085 – Promoting a safe learning environment for students with seizure disorders. (Remote testimony.)

2.   E2SHB 1213 – Expanding accessible, affordable child care and early childhood development programs. (Remote testimony.)

3.   SHB 1373 – Promoting student access to information about behavioral health resources. (Remote testimony.)

Executive Session:

1.   ESHB 1176 – Concerning access to higher education.

2.   ESHB 1214 – Providing K-12 public school safety and security services by classified staff or contractors.

3.   ESHB 1426 – Specifying minimum continuing education requirements for administrator and teacher certificate renewals that focus on equity-based school and classroom practices.

4.   SHB 1484 – Concerning the statewide first responder building mapping information system.

Health & Long-Term Care3/22/2021 1:30 PM

Public Hearing:

1.   SHB 1411 – Expanding health care workforce eligibility. (Remote testimony.)

2.   SHB 1323 – Concerning the long-term services and supports trust program. (Remote testimony.)

3.   SHB 1218 – Improving health, safety, and quality of life for residents in long-term care facilities. (Remote testimony.)

Ways & Means3/22/2021 4:00 PM

Public Hearing:

1.   ESHB 1370 – Concerning grants for early learning facilities. (Remote testimony.)

2.   ESHB 1476 – Enrollment stabilization funding to address enrollment declines due to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Remote testimony.)

3.   SHB 1356 – Prohibiting the inappropriate use of Native American names, symbols, or images as public school mascots, logos, or team names. (Remote testimony.)

4.   EHB 1342 – Eliminating lunch copays for students who qualify for reduced-price lunches. (Remote testimony.)

5.   E2SHB 1295 – Providing public education to youth in or released from institutional education facilities. (Remote testimony.)

Executive Session:

1.   HB 1001 – Establishing a law enforcement professional development outreach grant program.

2.   ESHB 1332 – Concerning property tax deferral during the COVID-19 pandemic.

3.   SHB 1333 – Providing an extension to the local sales and use tax for public facilities in rural counties.

4.   HB 1495 – Providing that qualified dealer cash incentives paid to auto dealers are bona fide discounts for purposes of the business and occupation tax.

5.   HB 1023 – Concerning predesign requirements and thresholds.

6.   SHB 1151 – Bolstering economic recovery.


Business, Financial Services & Trade3/23/2021 8:00 AM

Public Hearing:

1.   E2SHB 1015 – Creating the Washington equitable access to credit act. (Remote testimony.)

2.   SHB 1170 – Concerning building economic strength through manufacturing. (Remote testimony.)

3.   SHB 1424 – Concerning consumer protection with respect to the sale of dogs and cats. (Remote testimony.)

Environment, Energy & Technology3/23/2021 10:30 AM

Possible Executive Session:

1.   E2SHB 1050 – Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from fluorinated gases.

2.   SHB 1145 – Allowing the use of non-wood renewable fiber in recycled content paper carryout bags.

3.   SHB 1193 – Affirming the process for disposing of dredged materials for federal navigation channel

maintenance and improvement.

4.   SHB 1423 – Concerning smoke management civil enforcement.

5.   SHB 1446 – Prohibiting a utility from being assessed a penalty for not meeting its biennial acquisition target for cost-effective conservation in special circumstances outside the utility’s control.

6.   E2SHB 1287 – Concerning preparedness for a zero emissions transportation future.

7.   HB 1280 – Concerning greenhouse gas emissions reductions in the design of public facilities.

Law & Justice3/23/2021 10:30 AM

Public Hearing:

1.   EHB 1192 – Making technical corrections and removing obsolete language from the Revised Code of Washington pursuant to RCW 1.08.025. (Remote testimony.)

2.   ESHB 1197 – Concerning health care decisions made by a designated person. (Remote testimony.)

3.   EHB 1482 – Addressing foreclosure protections for homeowners in common interest communities. (Remote testimony.)

Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks3/23/2021 1:30 PM

Public Hearing:

1.   2SHB 1168 – Concerning long-term forest health and the reduction of wildfire dangers. (Hearing is on the Proposed Striking Amendment.) (Remote testimony.)

2.   E2SHB 1258 – Concerning the operation, authorization, and permitting of microenterprise home kitchens. (Hearing is on the Proposed Striking Amendment.) (Remote testimony.)

Transportation3/23/2021 4:00 PM

Public Hearing:  SB 5165 – Making transportation appropriations for the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium. (Remote testimony.)

Ways & Means3/23/2021 4:00 PM

Public Hearing:

1.   E2SHB 1089 – Concerning compliance audits of requirements relating to peace officers and law enforcement agencies. (Remote testimony.)

2.   HB 1096 – Concerning non-Medicare plans offered through the Washington state health insurance pool. (Remote testimony.)

3.   HB 1296 – Providing a business and occupation tax preference for behavioral health administrative services organizations. (Remote testimony.)

4.   SHB 1330 – Providing a retail sales and use tax exemption for the purchase of electric bicycles and related cycling equipment. (Remote testimony.)

5.   ESHB 1512 – Concerning lodging-related assessments under chapter 35.87A RCW. (Remote testimony.)


State Government & Elections3/24/2021 8:00 AM

Executive Session:

1.   ESHB 1041 – Concerning sunshine committee recommendations regarding juveniles.

2.   HB 1122 – Concerning the retirement age for state guard members.

3.   SHB 1250 – Designating Washington a purple heart state.

4.   HB 1328 – Exempting information gathered for controlling diseases from public inspecting requirements.

5.   ESHB 1329 – Concerning public meeting accessibility and participation.

6.   SHB 1357 – Concerning voters’ pamphlets for overseas and service voters.

7.   EHB 1453 – Concerning voters’ pamphlets.


Business, Financial Services & Trade3/25/2021 8:00 AM

Work Session:  Department of Commerce: Update on international trade contracts.

Law & Justice3/25/2021 10:30 AM

Executive Session:

1.   SHB 1209 – Concerning immunity protection for nonmedical assistance.

2.   EHB 1192 – Making technical corrections and removing obsolete language from the Revised Code of Washington pursuant to RCW 1.08.025.

3.   ESHB 1197 – Concerning health care decisions made by a designated person.

4.   EHB 1482 – Addressing foreclosure protections for homeowners in common interest communities.

5.   E2SHB 1320 – Modernizing, harmonizing, and improving the efficacy and accessibility of laws concerning civil protection orders.

Agriculture, Water, Natural Resources & Parks3/25/2021 1:30 PM

Executive Session:

1.   HB 1143 – Authorizing the placement of water rights banked pursuant to RCW 90.92.070 into the trust water rights program.

2.   HB 1172 – Recognizing judicially affirmed and treaty-reserved fishing rights and promoting state-tribal cooperative agreements in the management of salmon, trout, and steelhead resources.

3.   HB 1430 – Concerning the duration of state upland leases for lands managed by the department of natural resources.

4.   2SHB 1168 – Concerning long-term forest health and the reduction of wildfire dangers.

5.   E2SHB 1258 – Concerning the operation, authorization, and permitting of microenterprise home kitchens.

Transportation3/25/2021 4:00 PM

Executive Session: SB 5165 – Making transportation appropriations for the 2021-2023 fiscal biennium.

Ways & Means3/25/2021 4:00 PM

Executive Session:

1.   ESHB 1370 – Concerning grants for early learning facilities.

2.   ESHB 1476 – Enrollment stabilization funding to address enrollment declines due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

3.   SHB 1356 – Prohibiting the inappropriate use of Native American names, symbols, or images as public school mascots, logos, or team names.

4.   EHB 1342 – Eliminating lunch copays for students who qualify for reduced-price lunches.

5.   E2SHB 1295 – Providing public education to youth in or released from institutional education facilities.

6.   E2SHB 1089 – Concerning compliance audits of requirements relating to peace officers and law enforcement agencies.

7.   HB 1096 – Concerning non-medicare plans offered through the Washington state health insurance pool.

8.   HB 1296 – Providing a business and occupation tax preference for behavioral health administrative services organizations.

9.   SHB 1330 – Providing a retail sales and use tax exemption for the purchase of electric bicycles and related cycling equipment.

10.   ESHB 1512 – Concerning lodging-related assessments under chapter 35.87A RCW.


Behavioral Health Subcommittee to Health & Long-Term Care3/26/2021 10:30 AM

Executive Session:

1.   SHB 1314 – Concerning veteran diversion from involuntary commitment.

2.   SHB 1276 – Providing for certain emergency medical services personnel to work in diversion centers.

3.   2SHB 1477 – Implementing the national 988 system to enhance and expand behavioral health crisis response and suicide prevention services. (If measure is referred to committee.)

Ways & Means3/26/2021 1:00 PM

Public Hearing: SB 5092 – Making 2021-2023 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. (Hearing is on the Proposed Substitute.)

  1. SB 5092: K-12 public schools. (Remote testimony.)
  2. SB 5092: Higher education. (Remote testimony.)
  3. SB 5092: Early learning. (Remote testimony.)
  4. SB 5092: Employee compensation. (Remote testimony.)
  5. SB 5092: Health care and public health. (Remote testimony.)
  6. SB 5092: Mental health. (Remote testimony.)
  7. SB 5092: Human services. (Remote testimony.)
  8. SB 5092: Natural resources. (Remote testimony.)
  9. SB 5092: All other. (Remote testimony.)
Mario Lotmore
Author: Mario Lotmore

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