July 16, 2024 6:41 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Is a Kamala Harris presidency on the horizon?

Kamala Harris presidency

Questions about President Joe Biden’s ability to lead due to his age and health have perpetuated since his candidacy, but there are those who point to Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan as a “demonstrable fact” of incapability. According to the latest RealClear Politics (RCP) poll dated 8/14 to 8/26, Biden has a 47.4% approval rating and […]

Parklet-Gate…Mukilteo bureaucracy hurting small business

mukilteo ivar's

MUKILTEO, Wash., August 28, 2021 – The City of Mukilteo is again embroiled in another outdoor dining controversy, but this time it’s Mayor Jennifer Gregerson at the center of it. With a ten-member Planning & Community Development department, the City is unable to approve the 4-page permit to allow outdoor dining at the parklet for […]

Verdant classes include virtual diabetes prevention, cooking demos in September

verdant september classes

The Verdant Health Commission’s class offerings in September include virtual programs to support a healthy lifestyle, opportunities to explore cuisines from other parts of the world, and more. Learn more or pre-register for classes by visiting Verdant’s website at http://verdanthealth.org. VIRTUAL – Preventing Type 2 Diabetes: Take Control with a Lifestyle Reset If you have […]

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