LYNNWOOD, Wash., October 9, 2021 – For its 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 12 regular BUSINESS MEETING the Edmonds School Board will discuss/vote on the following item:
- Approve the Out of Area Assignments for Certificated Staff
- Covid 19 Vaccination Agreement Document between the District and the Public, Professional and Office-Clerical Employee and Drivers Local Union #763
- Memorandum of Understanding Impacts of Covid-19 between the District and the SEIU Local 925
- Food Service Employees for the 2021-2022 school year.
- Custodians, Food Service Drivers, and Warehouse Employees
- Maintenance Trades Employees
- Covid 19 Vaccination Agreement between the District and the PSE Association of Office Personnel
- Agreement with Brock’s Academy for special education services
- Resolution # 21-30 for Newly Elected Board Member to attend the WSSDA Conference
- Interlocal Agreements
- With Snohomish County, regarding the Puget Sound Taxpayer Accountability Act
- With Edmonds College regarding the Edmonds Career Access Program
- With Choice Partners to utilize their competitively bid contracts
- An update on the Teacher’s of Color (TOC) Foundation work with the Edmonds School District
- Superintendent Balderas will provide an update to the Board regarding the 2021-2022 school re-entry
- To approve the contract with Northwest Educational Service District 189 for the Student Assistance Professionals Contract
To view the agenda packet click here.
Edmonds School Board meeting time and location
To decrease the public spread of COVID 19, Dr. Spitters of the Snohomish Health District has recommended public meetings be held remotely. The School Board will continue virtual meetings, until further notice. View the streaming video here.
The Board will provide up to thirty (30) minutes during its regular meeting during which the public may comment live. If the entire thirty (30) minutes has been used, the board president will have the discretion to provide additional time for comments later in the meeting. The Board encourages public comments; each speakers’ time is limited to three (3) minutes.Â
Those who would like to speak during the virtual meeting may register here until 3:00 the day of the meeting. The Board will continue to accept written comments, but will not read them aloud. Written comments received will be published with the approved minutes.

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff