If you’re anything like me, you’re feeling these days like you are rearranging furniture on the Titanic. Just when you’ve reset the chairs a chandelier goes flying by, followed by a table set for dinner. We are living through a pivotal time in history that seems to spin from hopeful and beautiful to terrifying and traumatic on an intermittent cycle.
The temptation to numb ourselves from our experience may be strong. But, try to stay with your experiences, whatever they are. BE where you are. Stay grounded.
“The secret to life is to be where your butt is.” ~ Anne Lamott
Today we keep it simple with an interesting and quick 5-minute breathing practice:
This meditation practice focuses on breathing out for a tiny bit longer than breathing in. This will help support focus, energy, and your body’s ability to calm down.
Lisa Wellington is a Certified Mindfulness Teacher who writes about integrative practices that downshift stress, increase insight, and jumpstart joy.
She is best known for her work with law enforcement professionals as well as those challenged by housing instability and addiction. Trained in the Fine Arts at Washington State University, she specializes in group training that engages participants’ inherent creativity.
If she is not under a stack of books about psychology and spirituality, she can be found at a Puget Sound beach or nearby trail, always searching for the absurd, which is her superpower.
Author: Lynnwood Times Staff