LYNNWOOD, Wash., June 11, 2022 – For its BUSINESS MEETING at 6 p.m. on June 13, the Council will vote/discuss the items listed below. This meeting will be held both in-person and electronically by Zoom. The Public can attend the meeting in person or watch the meeting live, 6 p.m. June 13 via Zoom.
To review the agenda items in detail, click here.
Presentation and Proclamations
Public Works Spotlight and Recognition: Public Works Director Bill Franz will recognize Public Works staff for the work that they do to further the City’s strategic plan and so council can better get to know a couple team members better.
Proclamation Juneteenth: A proclamation to be read and adopted recognizing Juneteenth
Unanimous Consent Agenda
Consultant Contract Amendment for design services related to the Scriber Lake Park Boardwalk project: Provide staff with direction to prepare final recommendation for financing the acquisition of real property for future Town Square Park development in City Center.
Consultant Contract Amendment for permit review and inspection services related to the Lynnwood Link Light Rail project: Authorize the Mayor to execute Contract 3037, Amendment 5 with Parametrix, LLC in the amount of $480,000 for permit review and inspection services related to the Lynnwood Link Light Rail project, establishing a new contract amount of $2,480,000 and extending the contract term to December 31, 2024.
Resolution Adopting the Snohomish County Comprehensive Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Plan.
Voucher Approval: Approve claims in the amount of $4,965,696.61 for the period of May 16, 2022 through June 5, 2022. And approve payroll in the amount of $1,311,971.66 dated May 20, 2022 and $1,306,471,25 dated June 2, 2022.
Business Items and Other Matters
Town Square Park Acquisition Financing Options Briefing: Provide staff with information to prepare final recommendation for financing the acquisition of real property for future Town Square Park development in City Center.Â
Public Hearing
Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan and Six-Year Transportation Improvement Project: Conduct a public hearing and consider adopting the ordinance at a future meeting.
New Business
American Rescue Plan Act Accountant Request: Authorize using ARPA funds to create a new accountant position to manage grant requirements and reporting. The cost of salary and benefits through 2024 for a full-time Accountant position is estimated not to exceed $250,000; a part-time accountant position is not to exceed $125,000. Â
Executive Session
Real Estate: An executive session led by Karen Fitzthum, with the Executive Office, to receive information on a real estate transaction.

Author: Kienan Briscoe