Cascade Warbirds third regular meeting of 2023 will be March 11 at the Museum of Flight in Seattle. The program will feature a presentation by Stan “Sundance” Kasprzyk entitled “Fighting Eagles vs. MiGs”. Sundance is a graduate of the USAF Academy, flew the F-15 Eagle during his Air Force career, and went on to serve on the design teams for the F-22 and brand new Boeing T-7A.
The meeting will be in the North View Lounge overlooking the Great Gallery. According to Squadron Commander John “Smokey” Johnson, “We are excited to return to regular meetings with outstanding programs.” The meeting will begin “as close to 10AM as possible”. Anyone with an interest in historic military aircraft is welcome and there is no admission charge to attend.
Cascade Warbirds is Squadron #2 of EAA Warbirds of America and is a non-profit organization of local aviation enthusiasts, many of whom are pilot-owners of historic military aircraft. With over 235 members and the largest squadron in Warbirds of America, Cascade Warbirds is centered in the Puget Sound area. It meets at the Museum of Flight in Seattle from October until flying weather returns in April. Its mission is to promote and encourage the flying, preservation, and display of Warbird aircraft (Keep ‘em Flying), to honor Veterans, and to engage in aviation education. Find more about them on the web at
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SOURCE: Cascade Warbirds Press Release

Author: Lynnwood Times Staff