February 23, 2025 5:49 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Paine Field Master Plan opens to public before FAA approval

Paine Field Master Plan

EVERETT, Wash., March 13, 2023—The latest Master Plan for Paine Field Airport that assesses and directs airport improvements for the next 20 years, has solidified its final draft and is open for public comment before the Snohomish County Council and FAA stamp off on its final approval. As part of this community engagement, the public […]

Mindful Monday: Perfectionism and Self Compassion

mindful monday

Exercise: In this time of upheaval and change it is easy to be critical of ourselves and our ability to adapt. It’s a good time to consider how we respond to ourselves with compassion, or not. Enjoy and reflect on these insights and tips provided by therapist, Lisa Olivera. Reflection: How do I feel when […]

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