MARYSVILLE, Wash., June 10, 2023—The Marysville City Council will host a Business Meeting at 7 p.m., Monday, June 12, to authorize the mayor to award Jennings Nature Park Pump Track contract to Oceanside Construction, Inc., execute the Washington State Department of Corrections Work Crew Master Agreement, and execute the Arizona State Purchasing Cooperative Agreement.
The Marysville City Council meeting will be held in-person at 501 Delta Avenue and virtually by Zoom. Below is the agenda for the meeting:
Call to Order Invocation
Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call
Approval of the Agenda Presentations
- Oath of Office for Police Officer Sam Gay Oath Police Officer Sam Gay.docx
- Oath of Office for Police Officer Lex Warbis The action requested is that Mayor Nehring swear in Officer Lex Warbis Oath Police Officer Lex Warbis.docx
- Oath of Office for City Clerk – Tina Brock Oath of Office – City Clerk Tina Brock.docx
Audience Participation
Approval of Minutes (Written Comment Only Accepted from Audience)
- May 24, 2023 Claims in the Amount of $2,848,749.43 Paid by EFT Transactions and Check Numbers 163013 through 163202 with Check Number 155244 Voided 052423.rtf
- May 25, 2023, Payroll in the Amount of $1,746,863.38 Paid by EFT Transactions and Check Numbers 34599 through 34625
- Fire Hydrant Easement Agreement – Project Roxy (Amazon Dist. Ctr.) (Au21-0001)
Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign and execute the Fire Hydrant Easement Agreement with Services LLC. Recordable – Fire Hydrant Easement Agreement.pdf - Supplemental Agreement No. 2 with Parametrix, Inc. for Design and Permitting of the Geddes Remediation Project
Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign and execute Supplemental Agreement No. 2 with Parametrix, Inc. for the design and permitting of the Geddes Remediation Project.PSA_SuppTime 2_05-09-23 PMX signed.pdf - Supplement Agreement No. 1 with KBA, Inc. for Construction Management Services associated with the 52nd St NE and Sunnyside Blvd. Intersection Improvements Project
Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign and execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with KBA, Inc. for construction management services associated with the 52nd St NE and Sunnyside Blvd Intersection Improvements Project.Supplemental Agreement 1-2 KBA signed.pdf - Professional Services Agreement with RH2 Engineering, Inc., to provide preliminary design for the SR 528 Water Main Replacement Project
Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign and execute the professional services agreement with RH2 Engineering, Inc., to provide preliminary design for the SR 528 Water Main Replacement Project in the amount of$145,000.00.PSA_Consolidated.pdf Vicinity Map.pdf - Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with Otak, Inc. to provide consultant services for the 156th Street NE Corridor Improvement Project
Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign and execute Supplemental Agreement No. 1 with Otak, Inc. to provide consultant services for the 156th St NE Corridor Improvement Project.Supp 1_Consolidated.pdf - Transportation Improvement Board (TIB) Grant Agreement for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Pilot Project
Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign and execute the Fuel Tax Grant Agreement and Project Funding Status Form for the Transportation Improvement Board grant to fund the Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Pilot Project.Fuel Tax Agreement.pdfTIB Funding Status Form.pdf - Local Agency Agreement and Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus with WSDOT for the 67th Ave NE & 52nd St NE Intersection Improvements
Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign and execute the Local Agency Agreement and Local Agency Federal Aid Project Prospectus to obligate design funds for the 67th Ave NE & 52nd St NE Intersection project.LAA_140-039.pdfProject Prospectus.pdf - Purchase Order Authorization with King County Directors Association and Contract for the Strawberry Fields Playground
Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign and execute a purchase order to the King County Directors Association in the amount of$433,761.42 and a contract with Landscape Structures, Inc. for the purchase and installation of playground equipment and play surfacing at Strawberry Fields Athletic Park and to approve a management reserve of $43,376.13 for a total allocation of$477,137.56.PW5 – Strawberry Playground 2023.pdf KCDA_PO_Strwberry Playground_20230602.pdf
Review Bids
Contract Award – Jennings Nature Park Pump Track: Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to award and execute the contract for the Jennings Nature Park – Pump Track Project to Oceanside Construction, Inc. in the amount of $270,722.33 including Washington State sales tax and approve a management reserve of $27,072.23 for a total allocation of$297,794.56.Contract.pdf Certified Bids.pdf
Public Hearings New Business
- An Ordinance for Festival Sponsorship Recommended Motion: I move to adopt Ordinance No. Ordinance – Strawberry Festival Notice Final.pdf
- An Ordinance Amending MCC 3.51 Related to Petty Cash Fund
Recommended Motion: I move to adopt Ordinance No. Amended Petty Cash Funds Ordinance – June2023.docx - Washington State Department of Corrections Work Crew Master Agreement: Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to sign and execute the Washington State Department of Corrections Work Crew Master Agreement. Unsigned Master Agreement 21-23.pdf
- Arizona State Purchasing Cooperative Agreement: Recommended Motion: I move to authorize the Mayor to execute and sign the Arizona State Purchasing Cooperative Agreement. ARIZONA_STATE_PURCHASING_COOPERATIVE_AGREEMENT.pdf

Author: Mario Lotmore