July 16, 2024 1:30 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Lynnwood Councilman tells PDC he doesn’t know how to write checks to pay fines

binda PDC

OLYMPIA, Wash., July 9, 2023—During a Brief Adjudicative Proceeding on Thursday, July 6, with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission (PDC), Lynnwood Councilman Josh Binda was found in violation of failing to file his Personal Financial Affairs Statement (F-1) timely and fined $300 that will be suspended with the condition that he pays $1,250 (and […]

Judge Jennifer Langbehn endorses Moriarty for Snohomish County Superior Court judge

judge Moriarty

I write to encourage Snohomish County voters to Retain Judge Moriarty.  I am one of Judge Moriarty’s current benchmates, and practiced law with him for 13 years so I have seen his commitment to this County firsthand. Judge Moriarty was an excellent role model, requiring associates and staff to treat everyone with respect, and hold […]

Dutch government collapses, PM resigns, Farmers Party poised to take control

Dutch government

AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, July 9, 2023—The Dutch government collapses after an 18-month unorthodox coalition fell apart over immigration policies on Friday. Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte issued his resignation on Saturday, July 8, to King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands who abruptly returned from Greece to accept the outgoing prime minister’s resignation. The four-party coalition comprised of […]

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