February 23, 2025 4:21 am

The premier news source for Snohomish County

Washington students see high performance on national ACT Test

ACT Test

OLYMPIA—October 16, 2023—The College Board has released results from the 2023 ACT Test high school assessment. The data show that Washington’s students continue to perform in the top 15 states, and that Washington is 1 of just 5 states that has seen an increase in scores since 2021, the first “typical” year after the major […]

Applicants sought for $1.1 million to develop affordable multi-unit rental housing projects

affordable housing projects

SNOHOMISH COUNTY, Wash., October 16, 2023 — Snohomish County is announcing that a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is posted, and nonprofit organizations, for-profit developers, and government agencies are encouraged to submit applications to develop affordable multi-unit rental housing projects. An estimated $1.1 million in federal funds under the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) is […]

Sound Transit seeks feedback on passenger experience with survey

Passenger Experience Survey

SEATTLE, Wash., October 16, 2023—Today, Sound Transit launched its Passenger Experience Survey, which seeks to evaluate how passengers view all of Sound Transit’s services. The findings are used to identify key areas of improvement and prioritize efforts to provide a better passenger experience. Specifically, the survey collects passenger perspectives on the following: Additionally, the survey […]

South County Fire hosts Emergency Preparedness Expo November 4

Emergency Preparedness Expo

South County Fire invites you to learn how to prepare and care for your family in different types of emergencies at an Emergency Preparedness Expo on Saturday, November 4, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Northwest Church, 19820 Scriber Lake Rd, Lynnwood. This free event will include activities for all ages to learn lifesaving skills […]

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