LYNNWOOD—At its Monday, January 8 Business Meeting, the Lynnwood City Council appointed Councilman George Hurst and Councilwoman Julieta Altamirano-Crosby as President and Vice President respectively, committee positions were formalized, and the council rules and procedures amended to restrict virtual public comments. In a bombshell move by new Councilman David Parshall, the council suspended rules to overturn postponed agenda items brought forward by outgoing Councilman Jim Smith in December.
All council members were present for the meeting except for Councilman Joshua Binda.
Council Rules and Procedures Amendment
A Lynnwood Times investigation found that Lynnwood Council leadership and the mayor’s office unintentionally violated multiple state laws, its municipal code, and its Council Rules and Procedures by changing its public comment policy for its December 11 Business Meeting without an official motion by the council nor the passing of a resolution.
At its January 8 meeting, Councilman George Hurst formally motioned to amend the Council Rules and Procedures to reflect the change, of requiring a person to register no less than 24 hours before a meeting to make a public comment via zoom. After the motion was seconded by Parshall, it passed unanimously.

Rescindments of Postponed Agenda Items
Then-councilman Jim Smith, at its December 18 meeting last year and as a parting gift to the council, successfully pushed forward and postponed four motions to be discussed/voted at a future meeting scheduled for January 22, 2024. The postponed items were:
- Tasked city staff to draft a proposal for senior home/housing
- Allocate $25,000 in ARPA funds to subsidize rent for the non-profit Lynnwood Alano Club
- Elimination of the 6% water/sewer tax
- City staff to bring forward an ordinance to eliminate the $40 car tab tax
Councilman Parshall motioned to rescind the motions Smith made last year. According to Roberts Rules of Order, a motion to rescind may be made by any member of the body regardless of how that member voted on the original motion and may only be made to rescind a main motion. In effect, the motion to rescind nullifies the main motion, however, the original motion must still remain in the record books according to the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC). The main motion was seconded by Council Vice President Altamirano-Crosby.
Prior to a vote of the main motion, the Council voted unanimously to suspend the rules for this walk-on agenda item as the City Attorney was unsure if a postponed agenda item can be rescinded.
The main motion passed 5-1 with Councilman Decker dissenting.
2024 Leadership and committee positions
Council members serve as liaisons to various City boards and commissions, as well as serving as the City’s representatives to outside agencies and organizations. The mayor and council members volunteered for the following assignments where were approved as follows:
Council President (Only 1 position)
- George Hurst Council, vote of 4-2 with council members Altamirano-Crosby and Decker dissenting.
Vice President (Only 1 position)
- Julieta Altamirano-Crosby, unanimous vote
Alliance for Housing Affordability (1 position, 1 alternate)
- Shirley Sutton, unanimous vote
- Nick Coelho, alternate, unanimous vote
Community Transit (Only 1 position)
- Mayor Frizzell, unanimous vote
Lynnwood Tourism Advisory Council (1 position, 1 alternate)
- Patrick Decker, unanimous vote
- Shirley Sutton, alternate, unanimous vote
Snohomish County 911 Board (1 council position, 1 police 2-year appointments, 2024-2025)
- Chief Cole Langdon, unanimous vote
- Julieta Altamirano-Crosby, unanimous vote
Snohomish County Tomorrow (1 position, 1 alternate)
- Mayor Frizzell, vote of 4-2 with Council members Shirley Sutton and Hurst dissenting.
- David Parshall, alternate, vote of 5-1 with Council President Hurst dissenting.
Arts Commission- 1 position
- Shirley Sutton
Finance Committee -3 positions (These are 2-year appointments ~ current is 2024 – 2025)
- Patrick Decker
- George Hurst
- Julieta Altamirano-Crosby
Disability Board – 2 positions (These are 2-year appointments ~ current is 2024 – 2025)
- Josh Binda
- Nick Coelho
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Commission- 1 position
- Nick Coelho
History and Heritage Board- 1 position
- Goerge Hurst
Human Services Commission- 1 position
- Shirley Sutton
Lynnwood Public Facilities District – 1 position
- David Parshall
Parks, Recreation & Cultural Arts- 1 position
- Julieta Altamirano-Crosby
Planning Commission- 1 position
- David Parshall appointed with Julieta offered to serve as back-up.
Sister City Board – 1 position (This is a 2-year appointment ~ current is 2024 – 2025)
- Julieta Altamirano-Crosby
Veterans- 1 position (or share)
- Patrick Decker appointed with Julieta offered to serve as back-up.

Author: Mario Lotmore