February 22, 2025 10:11 am

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Rain/snow mix expected Sunday evening through Tuesday this week

Rain/snow mix

SNOHOMISH COUNTY—The National Weather Service is predicting rain/snow mix starting Sunday night until Tuesday evening throughout the Snohomish County this week with temperatures fluctuating between a low of 31°F to a high of 48°F. Here are many indoor activities in the Lynnwood area to keep your spirits up! Snohomish County Weather February 25 to March 2

Trump victorious in South Carolina Republican Primary over Haley

trump south carolina

CHARLESTON, S.C.—South Carolina voters overwhelming rejected its former governor, Nikki Haley, in almost a two-to-one victory for the 45th President of the United States, Donald J Trump, in its winner-take-all Republican Primary. Trump also won the CPAC straw poll on Saturday with 94%. “South Carolina, thank you very much,” President Trump told a crowd at […]

Property agreements and millions in contracts to be approved at upcoming council meeting

lynnwood agreement

LYNNWOOD—For its Business Meeting at 6 p.m., Monday, February 26, the Lynnwood City Council is expected to vote on a proposed development agreement with Garden Senior Village, reallocate ARPA funds for the police department, enter into a Purchase and Sale Agreement of $750,000, request a performance audit, and approve $9.3 million in contracts for the Mayor Christine Frizzell […]

Secretary Hobbs receives Washington Library Association Merit award

Washington Library

OLYMPIA — Secretary of State Steve Hobbs has received the Washington Library Association’s Honorary Membership Award for his advocacy of libraries across the state. The Washington Library Association’s Merit Awards offer the opportunity to recognize and highlight the outstanding work ongoing in Washington libraries. The Honorary Membership Award, presented to Secretary Hobbs at a 9:30 […]

Snohomish County Auditor praises advance of election worker protection bill

election worker

EVERETT—In an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 45-4, the Washington State Senate passed Substitute House Bill 1241, on February 22, making it a Class C Felony to harass an election worker. The amended bill now moves back to the House, where it originally passed 86-11, for final approval. Governor Jay Inslee is expected to sign it […]

Mill Creek Police seeks help in identifying T-Mobile robbery suspects

T-Mobile robbery

MILL CREEK—The Mill Creek Police Department (MCPD) is releasing photos and asking the public for assistance in identifying the suspects involved in a robbery at T-Mobile in the Safeway Shopping Center. Officers were unable to pursue the suspects due to changes to Washington State law. On Wednesday, February 21, 2024, at 7:33 p.m., three masked […]

Matches and lighters pose a danger in the hands of minors

Matches lighters

OLYMPIA—Matches and lighters pose a significant risk in the hands of young people who do not understand that fire can quickly grow out of control causing injuries and deaths. Children may be fascinated with fire. They may not understand the dangers associated with open flames. The State Fire Marshal’s Office offers the following safety tips […]

DelBene tours affordable housing in Marysville, calls on Congress to expand tax incentives

affordable housing Marysville

MARYSVILLE—Representative Suzan DelBene (WA-01), on Thursday, February 22, toured the Westend Apartments, an affordable housing development financed by the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (Housing Credit). DelBene also hosted a roundtable with the Housing Authority of Snohomish County (HASCO), affordable housing advocates, and apartment residents on the urgent need for the Senate to pass the bipartisan […]

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