October 5, 2024 3:18 pm

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Teenage suspect in fatal Alderwood Mall shooting released on $500,000 bond

LYNNWOOD, Wash.—The sixteen-year-old who is suspected of fatally shooting 13-year-old Jayda Woods-Johnson at Lynnwood’s Alderwood Mall Wednesday has been released from police custody on a $500,000 bond. 

“This is completely unreasonable and an example as to why this continues to occur too often in our country, our justice system isn’t taking a strong enough stand against those who are committing these senseless acts of violence,” said Jayda’s mother Tabatha.

Johnson Family photo. Jayda (bottom right) with her father Jeremy, mother Tabatha, and little brother. SOURCE: Lynnwood Police.

Currently a hearing has not been scheduled for the suspect as of Friday afternoon, who is facing murder charges after an altercation between two groups of teenagers Wednesday led to gunfire in the mall’s food court. None of the members of ether group were struck but a nearby, uninvolved teen, tragically was caught in the crossfire. 

Jayda Woods-Johnson, 13, was transported to a nearby hospital in critical condition but unfortunately, despite medical professionals’ best efforts, passed away Wednesday evening. 

Thirteen-year-old Jayda Woods-Johnson who was tragically struck by a stray bullet at Alderwood Mall Wednesday

Woods-Johnson was an 8th grade student at Brier Terrace Middle School. 

“Our Brier Terrace Middle School and Edmonds School District community experienced a heartbreaking loss on Wednesday evening when Jayda Woods-Johnson, a rising 8th grader, was tragically killed in a shooting at Alderwood Mall,” the Edmonds School District issued in a statement. “We will have counselors available at Brier Terrace today, Friday, July 5, and Monday, July 8 from 10 am – 2 pm each day for any students who need additional support. This support is available to students and families from any school.

The altercation that led to Woods-Johnson’s untimely death took place around 6:04 p.m. in the Alderwood Mall food court between “four to five teenagers,” Lynnwood Police Officers believe. After the suspect fired a single round the group dispersed and the mall was put on lock down as several law enforcement agencies responded. 

The suspect was identified using the mall’s surveillance cameras wearing a white sweatshirt with black lettering, black pants, white shoes, and a large afro. Later that evening his mother turned him in from Edmonds and he was booked in the Snohomish County Juvenile Court. 

Mall security camera footage of the shooting suspect

The firearm used in the incident has still not been recovered. Police are encouraging anyone who has information about the whereabouts of the weapon, or anything regarding the incident, to call 911. 

“I am heartbroken for this young girl and her family and asked that you keep them in your prayers,” Lynnwood Police Chief Cole Langdon wrote in a statement.

Jayda’s mother took to Facebook Friday to share her grievances writing: “I’ve always seen these videos of people who lost their babies and never imagined I’d once be on that side of TikTok or in real life…I just want her name to no be forgotten and for the person that did this to pay. Don’t bring a big boy toy to a big boys fight if you’re just a little body…my daughter deserves justice.” 

“[the suspect’s] mom gets to see her son smell her son, talk to her son…we get to come home to a silent house and lay in her bed to smell what we can on her bedding and clothes,” Jayda’s mother, Tabatha Johnson wrote on Facebook page. “I’m terrified the scent will drift away and I will forget what she smells like…she always smelled so good.” 

Jayda was described by her mother as being sweet, loved, and having “so” many friends. 

“Our precious Jayda was a 13-year-old girl full of life who loved all things about it. She loved exploring new places, singing, dancing. She seemed to know every song and movie ever made. She loved her two little brothers and was her baby brother’s favorite person,” Jayda’s parents, Tabatha and Jeremy Johnson said.

Lynnwood PD responding to the shooting at Alderwood Mall Wednesday, Lynnwood Times, Mario Lotmore

The incident still remains an active investigation.

This is a developing story please check back as more information becomes available. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: [4:29 p.m., July 5, 2024] Article updated to include an official statement from the Johnson Family on the release of their daughter’s alleged murderer.

5 Responses

  1. I can’t seem to put my finger to these reports of killing, that happen so much multiple times a day. They seem to become very prominent during the year before an election. I would really hope these shootings are not being paid for. It seems to me the judicial department’s are backing them , I’m sorry for every family that has gone thru these times. I spread my.love to you.

    1. C’mom man.. you’ve gotta be kidding me. There is no correlation between this senseless killing and any upcoming election. And they certainly aren’t being “paid for”. Thats a tremendously disrespectful thing to suggest if by any chance the family of the victim reads that.
      Chalk it up to some punk kid who obviously can’t fight his fights without the use of a weapon like a coward.

    2. Respectfully, Phil, I’m not sure the data shows any connection between gun deaths or mass shootings and election years. Here are a couple of articles with relevant data:



      And if you want to play with the data yourself, the CDC includes information on violent injuries and deaths in their cause of injury reporting tool:


  2. I had visited Alderwood Mall just two hours before this heinous shooting took place. I may have walked the path of Jayda. When I heard that a young innocent girl was shot and killed I got physically ill. I broke down and cried. I can’t understand why senseless deadly shootings are happening so often. As of late, it occurs mostly with our young people, either as shooters and/or victims. I am grieving a long with Jayda ‘s family and friends. My heart is broken. I didn’t know Jayda however, I can only imagine the extreme pain her family is suffering. I know I will receive backlash if I stared the obvious solution. I wish everyday the suspect feels the pain of what he chose to do. Jayda, you were sent to heaven in the arms of the angels. You are now one of them. I will never forget your name. May your family receive strength and peace.

  3. First I would like to rxpress my deep sadness and sympathy to Jaydas family. I took lost the most important person in my life to gun violence and know first hand your pain. I wish I could tell you it gets easier, but it doesn’t. In time though you get used to the whole in your heart. It just becomes a part of you. I have two young and beautiful daughters of my own and the thought of losing them in such a manner fills me with terror. They wanted to go to Spencer’s two days ago and the only one is at Alderwood mall. As I walked the food court I saw Jaydas in my mind and was filled with sadness. I’m so sorry for what you are going through and want you to know that my tears and prayers are yours. I’m so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful girl. My heart breaks for the loss of her presence and hope that what little comfort earthly justice can bring.

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