February 14, 2025 10:34 am

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Sheriff’s Office publishes new vehicular pursuit standards to its policy manual

vehicular pursuit

SNOHOMISH COUNTY—Last Thursday the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office added policy 307 to its Law Enforcement Policy Manual which details the agency’s approach to how it will conduct a vehicular pursuit moving forward. In that policy, specifically section 307.3.1, Deputies are authorized to initiate a vehicular pursuit when it is “reasonable to believe” that a suspect, […]

Lynnwood PD unable to pursue robbery suspect under new legislation

lynnwood pursue

LYNNWOOD, Wash. – After robbing a Pick-n-Pull on Highway 99 on the evening of November 30, a suspect reversed into a Lynnwood Police Department patrol car, peeled forward onto the sidewalk, crossed multiple lanes of traffic, then sped off northbound on Highway 99 fleeing the scene. The Lynnwood PD officer, under newly implemented state laws […]

New legislation regulating police tactics effective July 25

law enforcement changes

OLYMPIA, Wash. – Governor Inslee signed new legislation that affects law enforcement and how they provide public safety services that will go into effect on July 25 leaving many police departments revising their responses to crime.  HB1054 passed 54-43 at the House level and 27-22 at the Senate, signed by the Governor May 18, establishing […]

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